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Everything posted by Stary

  1. http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20066304-1/new-nasa-footage-gets-a-little-spacey/ listen to that creepy "Aliens" sound... in space simply awesome
  2. from Earth to space to ocean in minutes -priceless those weird sounds are either boosters in low orbit or general "sounds" (metal stress, densing atmo etc) of object re-entering
  3. guys, guys, easy, no one's fool here!
  4. still working on them, added two more to the collection, be patient... question: is there a global cockpit.ini variable to prevent the outside canopy model to not show from inside? NOT talking about the ShownFromCockpit=False found in plane's data.ini
  5. single WIP tech screenie I beg for months from TK would explain much anyway, everytime there's progress or change, some things WILL be broken, but some new possibilities should be there. From what TK stated, I don't think we'd be able to use current tech terrains in it, I hope I'm wrong here. Or, more propably, series will split into two categories -SF2 with DLC content from time to time and F-14 with whatever The Guy is planning. And as with TK, you never know what he's up to
  6. yes, but I'd cant stand near horizont fog from late 90s, long range terrain rendering is something quite important for jet title... BUT ok, I'd trade view distance for something more 2000+ in terms of ground detail or mesh complexity
  7. direct link to Utube video:
  8. 300km for TOMCAT sim, hmm... If I read it correctly, given the new format, the terrain itself will span this distance, but then there will be that repeating ocean spanning much more..? And Icarus, I think that it won't be full autopatching ROF style, just sort of popup (or fading? ) message informing you that the next patch is available and can be downloaded. the only thing bit off is the "and have shorter horizon/clip distance so we can have much more detailed terrain up close" -that's why there was a thing called level of detail invented loong time ago only time will tell
  9. hmmm, I had similar issue, adding weapons (from Gunnys' pack) helped
  10. heh, good so, TK listens to us after all
  11. Darling, I'm sorry I won't be for dinner today...
  12. here's beaten up A-36 ingame, May11:
  13. they do work, it's just dds take less memory with slightly reduced quality IIRC here's Capun's A-36.ini: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=A-36A Apache AircraftShortName=Apache AircraftDataFile=A-36A_Data.ini CockpitDataFile=Late_WW2_cockpit_2.ini //A-36A_cockpit.ini LoadoutImage=A-36A_LOADOUT.bmp LoadoutFile=A-36A_loadout.ini HangarScreen= LoadingScreen= [LOD001] Filename=A-36A-R1.LOD Distance=8000 [DamageTexture] DamagedPostFix=_holes.tga [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=8000 MaxVisibleDistance=800 [TextureSet001] Directory=OD42 Name=Olive drab 1942 scheme Nation=USAF Squadron=522_27FBG_USAAF Specular=0.500000 Glossiness=0.800000 Reflection=0.200000 [TextureSet002] Directory=OD43 Name=Olive drab 1943 scheme Nation=USAF Squadron=525_86FBG_USAAF Specular=0.500000 Glossiness=0.800000 Reflection=0.200000 and si I have no problems so far. Seen shredded wings and fuselage of one SM.79 today
  14. damage decals shows for me without problems on 111H3 or others, out of the SF1-version zip
  15. Baltika, use the graphics from my never GermanyCE HR repaint, the ones used are OLD, as in 3 years OLD or best, the ones I did for Deuces/Wrench/Me Indo-Paki terrain, those yes are nice ain't the water a bit too carribeanish
  16. ok for the guns, got them fixed -the weaponsdata.ini and .dat must go to Objects/GUNS folder, not in just /Objects weapons work (given I can see the Heinkels leveling my airfield) but for now without the lods which must be moved to their respective folders. Ugh! update: as mentioned by OurPropsGuru Wrench, many weapons are included in MCGunnysKillerbees weapons pack, now it sort of works ok the only thing off is -bombers don't shoot back at me..?
  17. strange as I have damage files showing without conversion on the other hand I messed up my WW2 install weapons and guns, completely
  18. I tried yesterday, I tried today, no luck.. all I get is "There was an error attempting to upload the file. Please contact an administrator" Strike Fighters 2 section, Objects sub-section, file being zip some 2 MB in size, no attached screenshot (update to a modification)..? Erik..?
  19. Erik, feel free to remove this topic, I was doing everything ok except small detail called actually attaching selected file note to self: never ever upload file at dawn after sleepless night
  20. Wrench's ASW Texas/Mexico, test set

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