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Everything posted by Stary

  1. Rise of Flight field mods.

    Well, TK is a different story, he can count on my support anytime
  2. more FPS? Umm, some single frame per two hours... yeah you're right, that's more FPS than CoD
  3. Rise of Flight field mods.

    I remember when they started selling individual planes, all the ado that went online, me including... now, two years later I must admitt I was wrong. This is not the worst of ideas, I started buying payware addons, ROF bundles (which is nice idea BTW) included, and I like the freedom of choice -I have for example no interest in late 1917-1918 planes right now (apart from Snipe), but early ones, sure, why not and for ROF it gave them funds to do the soo needed work after release -currently it's hardly the same as it was out of the box. Everyone's happy, right? But buying purely online-orientated what seems to be very historically limited modifications I have no need for, sorry. On the other hand, no, 1C guys won't have my single penny anymore in a long time for what they did to Cliffs of Depression Dover, those
  4. yep, good news, don't forget all the WW2 beauties of yours!
  5. Strike Hornets in bound!

    very nice, great illumination there
  6. I see a lot of burning targets hehehe
  7. SAS guys are doing amazing job, Dave63 can you confirm they are working on self-shadowing..?! I thought Daidalos Team could possibly try this as they have (?) access to the core
  8. Yes, they're just meshes without any ini files (which I have in my Korea install too) yes most were meant to be replacements in KAW, but you surely can and are encouraged to rename, re-use, re-label and do all the creative work with them
  9. OT: reminds me when in CFS 1 (before I got myself Voodoo 1 graphics accelerator, some here must remember those) I had to set starting position somewhere near north pole to have fluid dogfights using software rendering... these were the days SF2 with actual world modelled as geosphere? That would be... lots of places to tile and target
  10. Kevin, you might have a look at the new objects I send to you for Korea terrain to...
  11. daddyairplanes, this setting changes virtually nothing on the map, it's mesh or settings, it just globally tells the engine when to do "beware! here be dragons!" on all planes, be it player-controlled or AI, which results in famous out-of-cockpit experience
  12. some of bigger hangars/storage facilities from my "generic hangars pack" serve well as evildamncommbuildings too (just for change of looks) edit: no they do not, I thought about warehouses, not commbuilding, sorry I never liked the introduction of road tiles to be honest, they're PIA to paint, 100x bigger to lay down, and serve minimal or no purpose in my opinion
  13. slowly going back to game after few weeks of break first SF2 install on new system and HDD, War for Independence!
  14. given it's using ye olde stock WOE/SF2E tiles layout my tods from for example HR Germany repaint would fit just fine most of the tiles, even better the old Forrests and Farms, IF you're willing to repaint cows into wargs... ...or preferably Green Hell3 TODs, as the layout is 99% the same for GermanyCE and VIetnamSEA (lazy you! Thirdwire guys! )
  15. both Formosa tileset and "old" Cuba one (by Deuces Himself!) have their appropriate .TODs complete I was looking at aerial and satellite images today and indeed, indeed Formosa tileset could possibly be utilised with small "tweaks" (meaning whole lot of textures repaints and adjustments in my own internal language)
  16. thanks, after searching the web I'll skip it back on topic: 4.101 + HSFX 5.0 = 64 planes in QMB with constant 60+ fps over beautiful custom Channel map, COD = 4 vs 4 planes over the water @20-30 stuttering... I'd gladly pay some cash for patch that adds self-shadowing to Il2 1946, the rest is fine there
  17. on the small plane were 62 passengers and crew, I wouldn't call it small, but... if you taxi next to Super Star Destroyer... yeah, that was first picture in my mind watching the clip - "tiny" Star Destroyers next to Executor
  18. OT: HOE? Heroes Over Europe? I've seen it at local store, how is it?
  19. Poyekhali! April 12 1961 50 years ago

    the first that returned... alive

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