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Everything posted by Stary

  1. CCIP: Continuously Closing Impact Point
  2. Postprocess shader tweaks



    Postprocess shader tweaks FOR STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 DirectX 10 ONLY! Made for and tested in SF2 all titles merged with Expansion Packs 1&2 (but should work with any SF2 title) version 1.0 30.12.2010 This is set of modified Thirdwire postprocess shader variants that change the appearance of Strike Fighters 2. This mod works only in Strike Fighters 2 in Dx10 mode. Also you need to set your effects detail to unlimited for this shader to display! Please note that when using sepia, fake night vision and black&white shaders, various on-screen elements (like gunsight, HUD, radar display box and text) are still displayed unchanged. These are processed using different own shaders. Included are several variants, with various color corrections (old film, sepia, black and white, light green, nightvision) and various strenghts of screen vignetting.
  3. postprocessing shader or photoshop? looks great edit: nevermind, found the original image
  4. Piecemeal, great airbases update there! hmmm... another Nato Fighters release?
  5. Birthdays

    Happy Birthday to SayWhat?! and Macelena! have a great one today!
  6. it's to a degree good point Sundowner, I myself think sometimes a new fresh start could be a good thing. Surely we would have far less at the beginning, but now we use mods, that are still great but sometimes 5, 6 years old, showing their age
  7. I'd love to see the next lottery numbers in my dream. Can't have everything. One, maybe two new flyable planes and new campaign, that'll be all I think.
  8. Didn't TK stated earlier that next expansion will be for Europe too? I don't expect new theatre in another expansion pack
  9. I'd love to have option to activate it with a key, would be nice addition for modern night ops
  10. I'm doing some further experiments, I think I'll upload whole set of various versions soon. here you can see my effort to create "fake" nightvision: and here's toned down sepia variant: I'm still trying to achieve just slight desaturation with increased contrast, implemented in shader RGB to XYZ color convertion is a hit and miss work
  11. Modified TWPostprocess.fx shader: something for those nostalgic ...or something for EricJ in his Superbug night ride over A-stan (sorry, had to improvise with Corsair ) soon
  12. for terrains we can have separate environmentsystems with adjusted sun color and lighting. The one in question looks such, because it's my Formosa repaint which is quite green in a oddly specific way as a terrain without any correction.
  13. muzzle flashes or smoke? also, from which pack or creator?
  14. Thanks Julhelm, I have few others ready, including some with medium and high contrast, these are quite interesting for screencaps and testing, I think a bit too overdone for regular gaming, still tweaking: and thanks, I like the "old film" one myself too, might try adding tad more green and contrast to it
  15. what kind of effects are you talking about? I think mostly 3rd party afterburners etc? Was Deuces' EffectPack3 ever ported? I think his effects are in SF2 version of Falklands mod included
  16. I voted for "kid in a candy store" hard to decide between Mig-17, Mig-21 (with dedicated cockpit as I understand) Mirage F.1 and Jaguar my vote goes for Jag, it's such underrated plane :yes:
  17. so, what's the point calling it new terrain engine? To my understanding TK was reffering to current engine..?
  18. Julhelm, I tried this once, even without any targets, just the terrain height and texture data. The big, I mean big problem is the 500 meters heightmap resolution for stock FE/FE2 terrains opposed to 2000 meters for jet titles, causing enormous slowdowns and display artifacts, I think this can be done, but involves a lot of trials and errors in flightengine and terrain_data. Draw distances are several times larger for SF2 compared to FE2. You'll hit the maximum vertex index for scene renderer fast, resulting in CTD. The other way around it works without problems. You can allways try to retile, preferably by terrain_data.ini texture pointers change, given terrain (ie. GErmanyCE) using Jan Tuma's tileset, but you'll loose all his precious tods which are 500m resolution. Unless someone finally cracks the damn thing (tod 3D format) or make tool to rescale the tods. They are in fact single objects with subelement hierarchy.
  19. Super F-14 Tomcat Image

    bit too arcadey for me, but nice ps work

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