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Everything posted by Stary

  1. Hello Folks, Welcome to the Part of the Show

    Dave's messing with us again, like he used to (I hope so)
  2. What custom dlls? And I think no, it's still DX9. Vista version, SF:Israel will use DX10, that's for sure
  3. +1 I managed once or twice to put out fire by 1) minimizing throttle 2) diving fast -all in SF2 experimental WW2 install, I think it was Hawk75 or Buffalo
  4. Why wouldn't it? It's used by many games, it's all about creating proper directory tree and setting things up, then you should be able to activate or deactivate mods with one click (In our case "mods" refers to the various options.ini files) I'm gonna check it myself
  5. Tool used to automatically enable\disable mods.
  6. Yes, Johan did whole Mid East Wars Pack, a must be for anyone interested in the conflicts. Requires JSoft Generic Mod Enabler to run properly, and some addons hunting
  7. TK wrote it'll be released after the Vista editions of all previous titles (StrikeFighters:Vietnam, SF:Europe, SF:WW1, SF:Israel) So it'll take a while
  8. co něco československého?

    Nice planes you guys have here @Jan Tuma: is it's from your Sudetenland mod for FE..?
  9. Lot of prop planes... it might actually work. Something different than SWOTL2, with real mass-produced, and used planes. I think there's gonna be a new Vampire in WOI Addon (was there a pic somewhere @TW?), but it's a long way, we have 3rd party. IIRC Poland was using Il-10 at that time, not Il-2, but must check that. And no, please, no nukes.
  10. Hi, I'm curious, is it possible to have second install of Strike Fighters 2, that doesn't check for mod folders in :\Documents and Settings\ ? I did second install today, but it also loads custom stuff added to these folders.
  11. Ok, KB, I think now all I need is to do simple batch files placed on my desktop that'll automatically rename the requested, install-specific options.ini in my Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2\ folder prior to launching the "core" sim Saves around ~1200 MB on each specific install (the core files), the best solution would be a simple mod launcher (ARMA comes to mind), maybe JSGME
  12. Thanks guys, found it But how can we have multiple installs then? Let's say I'm going to do Tainted Cigar 2 SF2-based install (only this! without other mods, planes, terrains etc. for testing purpose), but as my two instances of SF2 checks in the Drive:\Documents and Settings\ for Options.ini, how can they distinguish the MOD patches? Or can I drop the options.ini to the installation root of the given install like we used to? Or maybe I don't fully understand?
  13. OMFG they f***ed Lenin

    25 years ago, one could be sentenced to death for doing such things in Poland (martial law time), so not that funny after all But nice round hole in...
  14. New trees, new HR ground textures, some extras, just little on time to finish it (ok, I'm learning how to build a plane )
  15. I knew it's a joke, but couldn't resist :lmaosmiley: ..could be funny to release it today
  16. M28 "Bryza" crash

    S! The crew was conducting emergency single-engine landing exercise, experienced pilots as military sources say.
  17. downsize textures to 256x256 and you should see them fully.
  18. Cool one. PS or environment effect?
  19. Terrain Migration

    I've ported (ok, copied) GermanyCE to FE Exp1 w/o problems. The other way seems almost not possible. hint -it's the horizont distance vs tile size
  20. The Person Below Me

    True. I have no bloody idea. Celtic? Wars? With Phantoms thrown in? The person below me tried to, but never really enjoyed Evil Dead trilogy.

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