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Everything posted by Stary

  1. yeah I start to think this might be specific to given terrains, as in the version of Terrain Editor to generate the heightflied etc, as I worte earlier, some of the unmodded terrains like Nam or Israel/ME seem to have clouds at sane altitudes but when one adds modded content it moves them up I wonder if Gerwin could crack the HFD data so we could move whole heightmap's "zero" value up or down to cheat the enigne
  2. it's called active camouflage, isn't it more firey prOn
  3. we was a good man RIP
  4. looks good -keep it up! and welcome to the family, the madness is just about to start for you
  5. no it's great JSF, it's just on your terran clouds for whatever reason bahave how these should -adjust the base altitude in regards to environmentsystem.ini entries, while on others are pushed up, a thing I want to change back to old days levels reading you topic JSF, hmm. what patch level are you on?
  6. as stated previously -remove file TWPOSTPROCESS.FX from your Flight folder Tio
  7. European Air War HD

    any pictures of it in action would be great
  8. that Frisbee is coming nicely! I see Julhelm's fine work Anatomy of the fire -Korean Air War revisited:
  9. I am pretty sure I've seen that movie great pics Sundowner!
  10. you can hide the seat I think via good old INI movement trick, yes? I take the seat is the one modelled in cockpit as the external view usues different model defined elsewhere, so yeah all depends how the model is build ie. is the seat a tandalone mesh linked to other cockpit parts or is it say part of whole consoles + seat + sides + whatnot mesh -LOD Viewer is the tool you'd use in such case
  11. I like it and the what if setting though maybe more blue hue than plan whitey?
  12. one more note -the overall FOV of viewlist by default is a bit much on the binoculars side, I wonder how the size and spped woulf feel if we'd make new viewlist with a bit wider FOV in general, both for default F1 view and external ones, something that has been on my mind for quite a while
  13. tried a bit of that too but no luck so far, I'm not a shaders guys sadly
  14. Stick Min and Max base altitudes seem to be locked since Expansion pack 2 or so which is a big immersion killer (clouds base at 3 to 4 kilometers? hmmm) hmm that IS interesting Russo -might have something to do with you heightmap? as for now-locked clouds altitudes I noticed one odd thing -in several UNMODDED terrains like Vietnam the clouds stay at the more or less original atitude like these were since 2006 SFP1 introduction, BUT in any modded terrain, even if that is new data ini, or targetareas addition or tiles or treemod etc it "pushes" the clouds to the bloody 10-12 thousand feet I spend ALOT of time trying to figure this out, so even made the clouds base altitude at near-zero level to test how clouds would behave to no luck so I forgot about this and left it as apparently it was doi ng nothing -now I see on this particular terrain it does work like used to. Of course I assume you're on the latest patch not some earlier one, RIGHT Russo? as for HDR and to be more specific DCS-style bloom (LOTS of folks were asking me to introduce this!) simply remove the twpostprocess.fx shader to have things back at normal -again I should remind you all this is BETA that was circulating among my friends for few months as a sort of testing- and thus is still "in development" so some occasional oddities might and WILL happen also some might have already noticed I have my own preferred overall direction of SF2 visuals* I pursuit that might be not to everyone's taste so there you have it *I try to make SF2 more look like Wings of Prey as far as general visual mood goes. Why like that? Because I can and it would fit the SF2 survey air combat theme well in my opinion edit: typos -ohhh and wait till I introduce consolish noise all over the place j/k
  15. right but most of folks around that were here when SF2 series started to come out bought it all in a span of a year at least as it was released so the impact wasn't that big then. For new to the series yes, it's a bit of bigger buck but then one can choose the single title he'd prefer -SF2 Euro with Expansion pack 2 having the biggest and most varying planeset and then slowly buy other titles
  16. Gerwins tool has that cool feature where you can copy say 2x2 3x3 4x4 etc part of heightmap and paste it to other place, that might help level the humps also Meu said he's toying with idea of 3D terrain&tile and targetareas editor as far as I remember (in LOD Viewer topic)
  17. First thing your doing on JET THUENDER

    first thing I'll do in Jet Thunder? Look away from screen to see with my own eyes how Heat Death of Universe really looks like... then Puccara SEAD or CAS or whatever there will be
  18. War Thunder - Any takers?

  19. SilverArrow full merge install is an installation of Strike Fighters 2 in whch all the SF2 titles are installed to one patch altogether so user has all and every single plane and campaing, terrain etc available: basically SF2+SF2 Vietnam+SF2 Europe+SF2 Israel+SF2 Expansion pack 1+ SF2 Expansion pack 2+SF2 North Atlantic is a full merged install. That doesn't count for other DLC planes or Mission Editor etc available at TW store which aren't usually called for even by mods that in their readme require "fully merged" install except for mods specifically designed to enhance such DLC objects hope that helps
  20. why do we need stock Lods in the first place? I bet for decaling gurus and maybe some fake pilot or movement tricks, right
  21. whatever, Crusader of The Holy A-Team Cause ok that wasn't nice it's just the models and skins are very good in general and I can't skip over obvious irritating errors that have more to do with lack of that extra bit of attention -but I am pretty sure they will fix most of that so time to wait for fixes again
  22. copy water shader statements from terrain that doesn't have it, same with terrain one -I BET Decuce's Madagaskar isn't upgraded to SF2 standards basically everything BEFORE the textures listing

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