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Everything posted by Stary

  1. hypothetical WW2 title would require building the assets from scratch (sans P-51D and late Griffon Spitfires, I think it could be late period a'la WW2 Fighters Ardennes) while Korea would not -if for example TK would decide to go fictional later 50s scenario; if optimized and enhanced the new terrain engine would suit the Korea theatre better... but I've been saing this over and over again so pardon me gents, I go back to my cave short answer: nope long answer: DanW lurks here from time to time to hear vox populi
  2. Unified Effects Pack 1.0



    Unified Effects Pack For Strike Fighters Series 2 version 1.0 26 FEB 2011 This effects pack is a compilation of many effects I did over the years for Strike Fighters and First Eagles series of flight simulators by Thirdwire. Build around "Desert Storm FX Pack beta" released in early 2009, this pack replaces most of the stock effects with new ones, most of them volumeric or "3D" in appearance. Also used are few reworked/tuned down effects from my "Hollywood Explosions" mod, aswell as several never before relased ones.
  3. from my experience going very high texture resolution on ground objects and cockpits isn't any good as then any setting apart from unlimited makes massacre to the texture in terms of scaling down as shown above
  4. ArturR's point is valid in also this sense that anyone who is anyhow into war planes knows what MiGs are but not certainly knows about Lightnings, TBH such was my case when I switched from Luftwaffe to cold war jets era
  5. if that would help Thirdwire make better situation and better final product, surely I would, for free
  6. oh look DanW showed... oh look he's gone
  7. SFP1Ace, I said in this forum several times I'd gladly hire a code guy who could break .TOD format so I could produce "real" custom shapes for cities, trees are ok for me as these are minus the transparency issues; that with additional level-of-detail implementation and few other things that combined with reflective water for old terrain engine would cover the terrains visuals for a while I guess (Julhelm already deducted how to add specular to tiles, now if we could make out how to add tile-specific normalmaps... it's in the _data.ini's texturestage. I think) not to me
  8. don't ask me, I'm not the code guy, but if code development stops I bet it will happen
  9. for me it seems TK says bye to forther SF development, at least code-wise. Exp 3 might be done eventually, but just as sort of bigger DLC. @Harold: as for planes cost vs series 1 ones? I think it's utter bulls**t* and I think TK isn't fully honest with us (aka lying) *what, he/his modeler pays 100 bucks (to whom I ask) per extra poly? Development costs too high? HIRE F_KING PR AND CGI STUDENTS MAN! They'll do it as part of their studies work for 1% or the pro. As for all that "had to sell cars, take debts, sell mother and a cat" I don't take it sorry; again, I stopped believing to what TK says long ago. It seems to me he says that to make us, modding core PC base, feel guilty for worsening his personal situation by forcing him further PC developmnet. Something to think about, eh? final note: as for unauthorized code breaches/changes, believe me, in some time these will have to pop up (can't change human nature) so maybe Dave go to SimHQ and write a nice "forgive me" letter to mlracing, huh? I would but I'm banned there
  10. yes, should be in series 1 downloads, don't know about Geo's stuff though
  11. modelfan(dot)ru is the site you look for avionics work is done to death as far as 50s are concerned, just minor ini works needed
  12. go with GCE, waaay easier to make new sets and plenty of existing ones to choose from
  13. I might work on it later, so yes, of course
  14. just like you did send me some 4 years ago... ok, send it! This terrain IS CURSED!
  15. ok, I misunderstood that Raven was refering to the damaged state meshes, no problem
  16. why the same tileset? Can't adopt one of mine? I thought you gonna re do it like... completely
  17. but the engine wont handle Mount Olympus, there is some difference between physical bmp representation of heightmap output and the way engine renders it The way is to export/import the TE HM palette, and yes, it's still 256
  18. hey man! You painted over the "do not paint" area!
  19. ok, understandable but his new models WIPs rock
  20. yes I did some experiments with that, resize the heightmap bmp (first you need to export it from TE menu) to x2 and add some noise to mountainous areas for example... then re-export, WHOLE SF2 map can be created in paint program, for those who were wondering. And yes, Gerwin did SUPER job on his tool
  21. or pick up different mountain tile for the err... mountain tile, as you use my Israel set there were some other too, this one you choosed had that prominent ridge featured in them, seen clearly when repeated

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