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Everything posted by Nyghtfall

  1. ...and there goes another night of photoshoping. But it was fun. thanks guys. 2 skins nearly done now. But I have a question to this thread http://combatace.com/topic/80161-help-trouble-with-tw-stock-a-4e-65-flap-decals/. Did someone found a solution for that? I tried every possible coordinates and meshnames I found without luck. It seems there is no visible TOP part for the flaps to put a decal on. @Wrench: according to my sources the squadron name position is correct (for example on this VA-192 A-4F, but A-4Es were similar). and this VA-93 A-4E well, bedtime, good night :)
  2. Hi there, after a quick search, I discovered the way, to upload a file...so sorry for the PM earlier. :) I tried to make that Insignia. I couldn't find a harrier at the correct angle and the light-"effect" isnt really satisfying, but maybe it is of some use for you. Feel free to use it. The .zip contains the .PSD and a .TGA version. Greetings, Nyghtfall

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