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About HarryH

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  1. Optional Cloud Mod 4.0 Update

    With all the recent additions to this venerable sim by OBD, along with BB's excellent cloud mod, I'm gradually falling back in love with WOFF. For some reason I thought I still had my custom preload file running, but it turns out I did not! I've updated it to include the newly added cloud.dds files. If anyone is curious to try it, it's here... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eGe4ZaKYw24a6TofBHgUNmYB3jEFCYWd/view?usp=sharing I believe it adds a further degree of smoothness to the performance the SIM, and compliments BB's cloud mod quite well I think, possibly reducing cloud popping even further (although it does nothing to help with the occasional patterning from the darker clouds). Mission load times are a little longer, and you need to have a decent amount of RAM installed in your PC. Your mileage may vary. Simply rename the existing preload.xml and copy my replacement file in its place here: C:\OBDSoftware\WOFF\OBDWW1 Over Flanders Fields\preload.xml
  2. It's all gone quiet...

    This was my first taste of WW1 air combat!!
  3. CFS3 disc question

    you'll be fine.... no usb or file verification will be needed.
  4. Bullet Strikes

    Yes I think you can get hit by archie shrapnel, but again, I think we are missing bullet strike sound effects.
  5. Bullet Strikes

    Well that's historically accurate to some degree :)
  6. Bullet Strikes

    thanks Rick, not just me then.... Pol, a bug perhaps?
  7. I've noticed that I'm not hearing these, despite the red warning appearing at the top of the screen.... latest patch installed. Anyone else noticed this?
  8. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Congrats Baldric and Lofty! As luck would have it, Monty just flew mission 23 and scored a victory over a Pfalz DIIIa and was awarded the MC! A day late and a dollar short as they say here . Ah well, next time ;)
  9. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Final report submitted. Monty survived mission 22... just about. He utterly failed to secure a second victory, however, and almost got himself shot down by a rather skilled red-nosed, blue-tailed Albatros. Videos of this scrap plus a railyard attack and a rather pretty dawn takeoff / forming up sequence currently processing. Thank you all for a fun challenge and congrats Baldric! One final Python-inspired exchange..... Mannock: What the hell do you think you were doing Python? Python: I beg your pardon Major.. Mannock: How many times did you miss? What took you so long? Why did you fly around for hours without shooting at anything? Python: Crikey sir, I didn't expect the Irish Inquisition! Mannock: NOBODY expects the Irish Inquisition!!
  10. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    One final mission remains for Monty. I suspect that, unless he happens to run into a veritable flock of Alabtri tomorrow (unlikely given past missions), that Baldrick will get a well-deserved challenge victory.
  11. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    How very fitting that it's Baldrick and I left standing, given the Cleese connection there ;)
  12. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Yikes, the field has thinned of late! My sincere condolences to all those whose pilots have gone west. Monty is still in it, primarily due to a lack of enemy encounters. When he does see them he stays high and refuses to be drawn into ground level fights (which the WOFF AI seems to love to do). I've been super busy with RL stuff but hope to conclude the career with the full 22 missions done by tomorrow EOD at which point I'll post a final video and get my weeks calculated correctly. A Big Thank You to Rick for organizing this fun challenge. If Monty lives I'll try to keep him going. Cheers all. H
  13. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Fawlty RFC Week 2 Report 7 missions flown, 0 victories. Had a fun fur ball early in the week, and we popped another balloon. Other than that, very quiet skies. Survived another week! Monty sat across the table from Mannock. "Your actual name is Edward, correct?" "Yes, that's correct" "Edward... you don't mind if I call you Edward?" "No, not at all". "Only it does worry some people - I don't know why...but they are a little sensitive so I take the precaution of asking on these occasions." "No, no that's fine" "Yes, silly little point but it does seem to matter. Still - less said the better. Uh...Ted...when you first started in...you don't mind if I call you Ted?" "No, no, everyone calls me Ted" "Well then, Eddie-baby, how do you think our missions went yesterday, eh? "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I don't like being called 'Eddie-baby'. "Did I call you Eddie-baby?" "Yes you did! Now get on with it..." "I didn't really call you Eddie-baby, did I, sweetie?" "Don't call me sweetie!!" "Can I call you sugar plum?" http://youtu.be/qLNa7b7Pt3M http://youtu.be/EAqFt2EpA5E http://youtu.be/OJvlDGAhP6U
  14. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Wow 7 victories in one week. good stuff Stache. I dunno, the skies are very quiet for Monty. Probably for the best as far as my skills go :)
  15. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Ugh no sound? I'll check into it. Also I have no idea how to embed YT vids here.

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