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Everything posted by SUDNAVY

  1. img00409

    From the album History

  2. img00363

    From the album History

  3. img00387

    From the album History

  4. img00091

    From the album History

  5. img00470

    From the album History

  6. The picture depicts the scene of his battle over my hometown. The clock tower is still there. The United States Flying Tigers and the people of my hometown mourn Moni Lieutenant: This is a memorial to my hometown to commemorate his contribution to the Chinese people: Lieutenant Moni came from Kansas, north of Kansas City, where the people of his hometown built a monument after learning of his deeds: In 1999, Lieutenant Moni's sister, Anna L. Davis, came to my hometown: Now, on April 5 every year, people will go to the monument to commemorate Moni Lieutenant: His P-40,ROSE MARIE is his fiancee: He and the people friendly exchanges:
  7. 001q7VHQgy6ZSeOrERw1e

    From the album History

  8. 001q7VHQgy6ZSeNhqq884

    From the album History

  9. ??

    From the album History

  10. The American pilot I mentioned above is the pilot of the Flying Tigers, whose name is Robert H. Moni, a lieutenant. this is his photos:
  11. Wow,it's a great one!
  12. I found some maps of shanghai in 1937,my friends give me some help.But I do not know if they can help you. http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2827909314 https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/aj/meta/MetSearch.cgi?SUM_KIND=SimpleSummary&IS_KIND=detail&IS_SCH=META&IS_STYLE=eng&DB_ID=G0000101EXTERNAL&GRP_ID=G0000101&IS_START=1&IS_EXTSCH=&DEF_XSL=default-en&IS_SORT_KND=ASC&IS_SORT_FLD=&IS_TAG_S1=InfoSDU&IS_KEY_S1=Nanjin+1937+map&IS_NUMBER=1&SUM_NUMBER=20&SUM_START=1&IS_LYD_DIV=&LIST_VIEW=&_SHOW_EAD_ID=M2011112915515512308&ON_LYD=on I'm sorry for my bad English. My friends told me this Japanese web is helpful:https://www.jacar.go.jp/ You should be glad that you do not understand the dialogue, because the dialogue is very sucker :)
  13. As a Chinese, we never forget the help of American pilots and Soviet pilots. In my hometown, a US pilot's monument, he drove a P-40 fighter to intercept Japanese bombers,after shot down a Japanese plane, he was hit, in order to prevent the plane crashed in the city, he was late parachuting. Although the people quickly found him, and try to rescue him, but he unfortunately died. Now, every year, our local secondary schools organize students to visit the monument to commemorate his outstanding contribution and sacrifices for the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan. The Chinese people will never forget every foreign friend who sacrificed to support the Chinese people's anti-fascist war.
  14. but in fact, Chinese was Fighting with Vietnam in 1986
  15. can you share with us this Kuznetsov mod?
  16. TMF F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.32

    I change the HIGHLIFT_DEVICE to ANIMATION in Mig 23,can use it,but only two angle,and only a animation

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