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Everything posted by Eole

  1. Ah yes, lets revisit some old friends

    Episode I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxkBIpOyWk0
  2. 1964 : Br.1050 Alizé (Veltro2k V1.2 WIP) departure from PA Arromanches ( V1.1 WIP) Special Thanks to Nyghtfall for the decals all made from your templates (except the new squadrons and the plane name ones)
  3. With one or two modifications you'll got a Mirage 2000-5 perfect cockpit ( the one you took as model I'm guessing), nevertheless my hat off incredible work
  4. Nice skin Eric, unfortunately it will remain a What if
  5. Nice bird, nice 3D model a good basis for the French Aquilon too
  6. Trying to get this old (SF1) warrior back to (SF2) life with Allenjb42 and 331Killerbee.
  7. Find only these things http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/Mirage_F1_Qatar.jpg http://www.dstorm.eu/pages/en/qatar/mirage.html http://www.studiosechen.com/images/profils_avions/img_20130215_398270956_grande_image.png Still searching for better pictures
  8. Awesome ! A good start for a what if campaign ?
  9. Pres ALT key and move your mouse SHIFT Key for other axe
  10. Mue is there a way to extend the Node coordinates copy function like this ? 'I thing you got the pointer to the structure with the node name and coordinates when the 3D model windows have the focus With the x,y,z coordinates & the the associated nod name you willl help all the skinners around here for the decals placing Thank you in advance
  11. You need to download & install 7-Zip file archiver http://www.7-zip.org/
  12. What Other Games Are You Playing?

    Eole at FF and BMS (the old one) forums Inactive for while ... my last post was made 5 years ago you know RL
  13. What Other Games Are You Playing?

    Nothing all this thing is dead remain only BMS Team now (at the old good times I've work with the two) The good things they've got the source code .. the bad things 2 Team = 2 EXE files (Viper & BMS) the Falcon 4.0 development took more than 4 years with a professional Coder team (more than 50 people 5 core & other little hands) 1.2 M copies were sold but not enough to cover the development cost that's kill MICROPROSE. imagine now you want to modify this program with one or two professional coders in RL but who did it on their free time without any comments or help in the source = very slow & hard progress ... and this is only for the coding part
  14. What Other Games Are You Playing?

    Simulations Silent Hunters (All the series) + Mods IL2 & derivatives FreeFalcon & Falcon BMS RTS Company of Heroes v1 with Blitzkrieg Mod
  15. I agree with you but you know the story ... I read the informations here (French Forum with an English sub-forum for non French speakers) http://www.air-defense.net/forum/topic/21-linde/page-394?do=findComment&comment=858744
  16. Good Weekend and good flight PS Could you upload the package for other users ? (I did not make the credits list etc ..) Thank you in advance.
  17. Great News for Indian Air Force with the first Upgraded Mirage 2000TI delivery ( Share lot of things with the Rafale) Another good news INAS officials ask to Dassault if Rafale M would be able to take off from their 2 future non CATO BAR Aircraft Carriers
  18. I've made the SF2 conversion some time ago with my limited skills so I'll hope it will save your time Cheers Eole
  19. File Name: SF2 R95 PA Arromanches (58-59 Refit) Mod File Submitter: Eole File Submitted: 10 April 2015 File Category: Aircraft Carriers R95 PA Arromanches (58-59 Refit) by Eole v1.0 ==================================================== *** SF2NA required for Carrier operations *** tested in full 5-merged installation *** Installation ============ 1. unzip to a temporary folder 2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P 3. enjoy! Optional ======= If you want to fly the optional mission include you'll need first to download the Veltro2K's Breguet Alizé You can get here http://combatace.com/files/file/15245-breguet-br1050-early-versions/ Credits ======= - Hinchinbrooke Melbourne 3D Model. - Eric Howes SF2NA_Carriers_Pack - MigBuster INS Vikrant (R11) with Hi Res deck 1.0 - myself Skins, Decals, ini-work If I have neglected to credit anyone here, please let me know. I'ill get it fixed ASAP. Special Thanks ============ - Mue for your outstanding LODViewer - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration! ---------------------- Patrick Le Naour (Eole) 10 April 2015 Thanks ====== Click here to download this file
  20. To come the same ship put after her last refit in 1968 : The Arromanches became the first French Navy's ASW helicopter carrier (PH for Porte Hélicoptères) until its decommission in 1974 replaced by the PH97 "Jeanne d'Arc"

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