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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. There is something wrong with the 3D model, if i remember it right.... Something similar is wrong with the old F9F Panther....
  2. I would like, but I have too many projects ongoing, so that i won´t have time for anything more Martin....
  3. @ DAT side as said a few times. (A-team skunkworks)
  4. Will we ever see this bird in the download section Martin?
  5. Check out the color swatches section @: http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/
  6. One thing! Nice that you always say what you will up, but everybody can see it under the new files, and an new threat will create under the file announcement section. ;-) But if you would like to tell what you do, why not make it in one Topic instead of opening a bunch of new things? and btw any wip threat is worthless without pics! Just a little tip for you....
  7. Check out Italian sub forum. there is a threat about that (wip). But long time not active...
  8. That is something i don´t like since Strike Fighters Project 1. Maybe we should request that from TK (if he will still works on the PC sim)
  9. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich hoffe ich komme heute dazu!
  10. Well if that were the stock Thirdwire Skyraider, take care when you patch! installing the patch causes that all stock ai aircraft you made flyable, will be ai again due to updated stock inis / ini entries.
  11. Does the name of the skyraider folder (inside aircraft folder) match with the name of the aircraft.ini? fe.: Folder Name is A-1H_68 then the Ac ini name must be A-1H_68.ini
  12. Really a nice progress!
  13. Hello community, i have some questions about the parked animations. 1st.: is it possible to have more than 1 animation aktivated on a parked Aircraft? 2nd: is there a difference between Carrier based Aircrafts and only land based ones? Cheers, Carlo
  14. I´m sorry mate. I have 5 Projects on going by now and my free time is very limited! Elsewise i had done it.....
  15. Not exactly what i would like to know. I would like to know if a AC apears parked on an airfield how kann i make it, that not only one shows up? For example: A-7Ds show with open Canopy when parked on an airfield. Is there a way to add the wing folded (if animated in the model)? there is an entry parked animation=XXX kann i add there more than one Animation?
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    ja, wenn ich mal zeit habe...
  17. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich hab da noch nen blanken USAF Silver skin... Aber da es YAP ist, wird der nie veröffentlicht.
  18. I need help!

    Does it happen with every terrain?
  19. I just wahted to say that you have to select your words better. terribly bad is not a good discripton for work that someone has done. Remember, everything here is for free! ;-)
  20. If you think that, then make it better by yourself. elsewise you have to select your words very very carefully!!!
  21. Holloman Tornados 1997

    Kann ich grad gut gebrauchen! Danke!
  22. Have you changed the path for the mods folder in the options.ini of the specific Game Sim?
  23. in the data.ini of the Aircraft is a section like this: [sound] EngineSoundName=JetEngine <-- Here you can edit the sound! FlapsSoundName=Flaps AirbrakesSoundName=Airbrakes GearsSound=Gear LandSoundName=TireTouch

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