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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Well as we told before we (Ludo, Volker, Crusader & I) are nearly done with a MIIIS. only the cockpit still needs work.
  2. Looks pretty nice! BTW, Stary your new textures won´t fit to the stock SF2 NA terrain right?
  3. South American would be cool for some drug wars / coin
  4. sure. but if I´m right we got a nice MiG-21F-13 Inonesia skin and a MiG-19 Indonesia skin here. ps the MiG-19 was the 1st skin i uploadet here a loooong time ago....
  5. http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/forums/dlcat-military-fonts-19/ i guess there is what you need
  6. OT - WW2 Bomb in Munich.

    already posted!!! http://combatace.com/topic/74570-munich-after-almost-70-years/
  7. Strike Fighters 2 plötzlich schwarzer Bildschrim

    hast du ein Spiel davon, wo du keine Add ons installiert hast? Falls ja, probier die installation / das Spiel mal aus, wenns einwandfrei läuft, dann wird es wohl an einem kürzlich installierten add on liegen. Falls nein, tippe ich auf einen Graka Fehler / Defekt.
  8. Strike Fighters 2 plötzlich schwarzer Bildschrim

    Welche SF2 Titel hast du alle installiert?
  9. But the temps TK provided for the WOE A-10 arent that good.... EDIT: i will look at them and compare them with SF2 Model. If lines & Rivets layers can be used, i will put my Hands on them and make some high rez templates....
  10. Looks pretty nice so far Ed! maybe a bit fine tuning on the pylons? EDIT: This will be useful for skinning: http://www.ebay.pl/itm/TS-11-Iskra-Book-Krzysztof-Janowicz-NEW-PB-8360445737-/150820059953?pt=Non_Fiction&hash=item231d937b31
  11. Read the knowledge base. there you can find how to make a SF1 Aircraft flyable in SF2.
  12. Oh nooo, not again only skins.... Another DLC I won´t get....
  13. it would be pretty nice if someone could make accurate templates for the SF2 A-10A....
  14. Neil Armstrong Dies

    RIP :S A real hero is gone....
  15. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Evtl hilfreich könnte die Serie vom AirDoc verlag sein, Luftwaffe Phantoms....
  16. Haven´t TK said that EXP. 3 will be for SF2 Europe? (if I have it right in my mind)
  17. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Starfighter Skins hab ich etliche gemacht, aber das olle Thirdwire Model ist grottig.... EDIT: sollst ja nicht alle machen! schön wären die Norm 72 skins in high rez die Peace Rhine skins und evtl den ein oder anderen Testskin...
  18. Try to use only "insignia" and add to one the line Reverse=TRUE and figure out which side is the right one. ;-) Are you using the same nation then the stock skins?
  19. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Schaut super aus! ;-) ps: evtl. kannst ja nen ganzes Skinset machen? So alle Normen! http://jpsmodell.de/dc/luft_flug.htm#f4

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