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About AmateurFlyer

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  1. SF2 F-15 Eagle Super Pack Redux 2018

    The readme is a seperate download and I have no audio for the jet. The readme is also inadequate, does not tell you where the file you need to change is located. No comment on the jet, just the poor presentation of the install.
  2. TU-160 Blackjack(V2K)

    Great work.
  3. MiG-15bis "Fagot-B"

    It feels great to fly this, great quality cockpit too.
  4. Sukhoi Su-25T Tankovy & Su-25SM Frogfoot for SF2

    I enjoyed flying this, it's another great aircraft to enjoy in this game.
  5. Mig-29K Pak

  6. Mig-29C_Czech.7z

  7. Mig-29A_BAF.7z

  8. Mig29A Updates.7z

  9. Mig29K_Templates.7z

  10. Tornado GR1/GR4 for SF2 V4.0

  11. Mig-29A.7z

  12. Mig29C Russian AF.7z

  13. Mig-29C_UKRAINE2


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