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Everything posted by Julhelm

  1. SF2's terrains look a lot better than anything I've seen in BMS. In fact, nothing in BMS is that impressive from a graphics point of view. SF2 can be made to look much better than that.
  2. F-35C High Alpha testing

    Actual testing has shown that to be the case, so I'm not sure where you get the idea it's from some sales brochure.
  3. F-35C High Alpha testing

    That's funny since the F-16 was designed as a pure air superiority day fighter. But aside, the F-35 is the most advanced warplane ever built. It is an order of magnitude more capable than the F-22. A pilot flying an F-35 will be able to see every threat 360 degrees around his plane out to as long a range as there are other units to network. And with a full internal load of HAOB missiles and bombs it is still as maneuverable as a clean F-16. But it's just an expensive bombtruck that can't dogfight worth a damn.
  4. FX-NGAD is set to be the F-22 replacement.
  5. Here's one with all aircraft and crewmen removed. I also included some tweaked textures that remove the shadows and have more realistic colors. Ulyanovsk_Clean.rar
  6. Metz Train Station

    How do the trains handle the curved tracks?
  7. Any reply other than 'go ahead' would be taking the piss since this entire series and by extension TK's business owes its entire existence to modders hacking the code. Some may not remember this but SFP1 when released was as unfinished and broken as Cliffs of Dover.
  8. I think the moderators here (Fastcargo, Wrench and Fubar) should stop the silly faux arguments about piracy and lawsuits and admit they plain just don't like the guy, and that's why he isn't allowed here.
  9. That's a different case (outright stealing content and redistributing it) from releasing a code patcher or wrapper, which is what TDW and Team Fusion have done for SH5 and CLOD. We're not talking about redistributing the .exe here.
  10. Hacking a game isn't the same as piracy. Piracy is when you take something, make copies of it and distribute it to lots of people illegally. Hacking a game to add functionality or fix bugs is not piracy and never will be. Silent Hunter 5 and Cliffs of Dover were literally unplayable until enterprising individuals started hacking into the codebase. Both games have strong followings now but would have been dead otherwise.
  11. Piracy is as inevitable as death itself.
  12. Amazing work. And it really shows what the engine is capable of.
  13. He is obviously using wrappers to change the functions of the game. How do you people think trainers and graphics addons like SweetFX are made?
  14. You can do this by loading the waternormal in Photoshop, and using RGB 128, 128, 255 on a new layer to reduce the intensity. If you want to make the waves physically smaller that's not possible with the locked shaders.
  15. Yes, we're working on porting the game to Android now. To this end we need some testers so we can verify the game works on various hardware sets. Anyone who is interested post here or send an email to pacificfleet at yahoo dot com
  16. Pacific Fleet is looking for Android testers

    Yeah, we just need you to shoot a mail to that adress so Paul can set you up with invites for Testflight which we use to distribute the builds.
  17. That's because it is a low res version of the terrain tiles!
  18. An important heads up for my CA friends.

    Hope it goes well.
  19. Perhaps you can turn that into an F-20 too.

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