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About karl2c

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  1. M-84AS / M-84AB1 Yugoslav MBT

    Thanks for sharing. Love it,
  2. Helicopters flight model

    Hi guuruu, I really like, can't wait to see the next one .
  3. Operation Albion terrain

    Hi Gepard, I am in the terrain school, your tutorial. slowly but surely! Best Regards! karl2c
  4. Lloyd C.II revised

    Thanks for all yours 3d device, plane and more, big work of art man. respect! Best Regards
  5. Operation Albion terrain

    Great!! dem map?
  6. The Terrain Editor Thread

    ok 3d tool for, sorry! karl2c
  7. The Terrain Editor Thread

    Hi man, I would like to remove one or two 3d house? thx! karl2c
  8. Terrain editor!

    More question, move at this thread.http://combatace.com/forum/191-modding-terrainsenviroments/
  9. Terrain editor!

    Thank you man, your link is what I was looking for. Best Regards
  10. Hi guys! A good guy to explain the basis of terrain editor? I can not find an example? Change the textures and create a new terrain? From the field bases like Verdun? thank you in advance! karl2c
  11. Spanish Skies

    Good 3d sir!

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