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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. http://www.flight-manuals-on-cd.com/ http://www.flight-manuals.com/a7corsairii.html
  2. Love it... Thanks for the answer, Crusader.
  3. Great job! Is the refueling probe animated on the AZ?
  4. Kfir C7

    Martin, there is a stock Kfir C7? I thought TK stopped at Kfir C2 for the PC game and made Kfir C7 only for the smartphone/tablet game, hence my request to Denis to make a C7 out of the stock C2. Could you please tell me which game, or DLC, or Expansion pack it comes with? I'd love to add it to my game along with Denis' one. Or could it be that you are mistaking the TMF Kfir C7 with a stock one by TK?
  5. If I remember well, there is a HidePylon setting in the weapon data.ini file that can be activated for weapons with built-in pylons. This way when the weapon is loaded, the aircraft pylon is not visible. Since the pod is loaded on different aircraft with the same pylon (as much as I can see on the pictures above), then it would better to make the pylon a part of the pod model and not part of the aircraft model.
  6. Kfir C.10 and Cheetah C?

    Una posible cabina suplente está disponible aquí: http://combatace.com/files/file/14968-iai-kfir-c10-ce-cockpit/ Podría ser utilizado hasta que se realice una correcta. P.S. I apologize for the poor Spanish, I do not speak Spanish (yet), so I am using Google translator.
  7. Thank you, Muesli, I sure know these mods but they all have their issues in terms of shape (MiG-21UM) and probably mapping (MiG-23UB). I do not mean to criticize the modders who made these, as I do appreciate every their effort, I just hope for slightly improved models.
  8. Martin, Raven, this game lacks enough two-seaters, a MiG-23UB and MiG-21U/UM would be most welcome
  9. Probably there is a weapon weight or length limit for the weapon rack to prevent large missile being loaded.
  10. Hm, I need a lot more info to find out what the problem is. Have you modified somehow the aircraft data.ini file?
  11. Try this one: http://combatace.com/files/file/10602-mgunnys-ordnance-shop-ii-for-sf2/ Look for APU-62 The APU-62 is stock for the MiG-21bis, so you should be able to select 4 R-60 on the inside pylons.
  12. Both are available, the second one is available both as a stock weapon rack and as a third party one.
  13. On the contrary, RAVEN, looks great too. Please share it with us. Thanks!
  14. Crab_02 made that goodness for the community and Sundowner was kind enough to post it a while ago: You can get it from here: http://combatace.com/topic/77847-napalm-canister/?do=findComment&comment=619678
  15. Mirage IIIB

    Great work, Denis, also looking forward to the other two-seaters you have as WIP.
  16. Ravenclaw had one WIP as part of his once planned MiG-29 line of mods, but as far as I remember it got very low priority and might even be cancelled by now, given his health issues.
  17. There will never be enough mods THANKS TO ALL MODDERS, who keep this community alive by hard work and dedication to their mods.
  18. That's not very likely, cause Ravenclaw says he is having that issue only with French aircraft. If start/endyear setting was the problem, he would have the same issue with all aircraft I think.
  19. Could it be related to the terrain settings? Which terrain do you use and what happens if you would choose a different terrain?
  20. Happy Birthday Paulo

    Happy Birthday, Paulo and my best wishes
  21. Performance graphs are available in Russian here: http://airwar.ru/other/bibl/la11to1.html
  22. Found it, please check here: http://combatace.com/topic/82353-distant-pylon-image-problems/
  23. If I remember well, the issue was reported in the past and Ravenclaw attached revised lods to the thread, where the issue was reported. I am having hard time finding the thread though...

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