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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. Apparently you have: http://combatace.com/files/file/3091-fa-18a-hornet-template/
  2. No problem, Martin, you guys are welcome.
  3. Centurion-1, here is what I was able to make. Font size, spacing, etc. parameters are based only on your picture, so I have no clue how close to reality these are. Hope that helps. Panel lights text.7z
  4. Centurion-1, OK, I will continue and will provide a PSD file with the text in separate layers. The shot above had the background included just for reference. Will be as quick as possible.
  5. Centurion-1, is that any close to what you are looking for? Do you want me to continue with the rest or it's no good?
  6. The top one says: "Extend landing gear", but I guess the English equivalent would be "Gear down" The middle one says: "Flaps down" The bottom one says: "Air brakes"
  7. There are some walk-arounds of various MiG-25 types here: http://www.cybermodeler.com/aircraft/mig-25/mig-25_all.shtml# Some very close shots of the landing gear and main landing gear wells, which I think could give an idea of how the gear would move when retracting. Hope that helps even if just a little.
  8. Paulopanz anniversary!

    Happy Birthday, Paulo, my best wishes to you.
  9. Martin, I could be wrong, but I think there are no classic-type pylons on MiG-29 and Su-27, but rather standard missile rails with adaptors to attach to the wing or fuselage. The missile rails definitely are the same, these go with the missile type loaded. APU-60 for R-60 - you cannot see that on Su-27 family APU-73 for R-73 - same on MiG-29 and Su-27 APU-470 for R-27 when loaded under the wing AKU-470 for R-27 when loaded under and between the intakes on Su-27
  10. Val, great re-paint, I hope it will also itch you to release it here
  11. A few stencils of a Swiss F-5 here: http://www.tailormadedecals.com/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=44&Itemid=34
  12. HAL Tejas

    There is one WIP by the Banidos team: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.599769433388256.1073741841.157060134325857&type=3
  13. Double wheels are used to allow take-off and landing from surfaces, softer than asphault and concrete. On a carrier, you do not need to handle such issue - the deck is hard, so double wheels would just eat up from the aircraft's capacity to carry fuel and payload.
  14. In 1990, 26th Reconnaissance Regiment of the Bulgarian Air Force received 6 MiG-21MFs, with gunpod removed and fitted to use the Type-D and Type-R rece pods of the MiG-21R. Those were designated MiG-21MFR...
  15. 50 years in service with the Bulgarian Air Force...
  16. I think the problem is that by putting the double slash, you do not disable the function, you are just telling the game to ignore the line [CanopyOP]. So the game ignores that line and adds the next lines to the RWR section, which is just before that, i.e. as if NodeName=OC and the next lines belong to the RWR function and they do not. The result is non-working RWR. You could either delete the whole section as you suggested above, or add double slash to all lines: //[CanopyOP] //Type=EXTERNAL_ANIMATION_LINK //NodeName=OC //MovementType=ANIMATION //AnimationID=2 //ItemNumber=1
  17. Sundowner, may be it is out of your scope of interest, but I just hope in future the TW MiG-21 could find an empty slot in your hi-res-treatment line too.
  18. Sheriff, try downloading this weapons pack: http://combatace.com/files/file/10602-mgunnys-ordnance-shop-ii-for-sf2/ Use the SUU-20B and SUU-20R in it, they have a texture assigned to the lod. I have SUU-20B and SUU-20R apparently from 2 different uploads of the same model. The older has no texture assigned (I checked that myself, even the out file says no texture), but the later one (the one in the pack above) is OK. SUU-20B and SUU-20R use the same lod, different weapons are made as the game does not allow a rack to be a bomb rack and a rocket pod at the same time.
  19. I would also greatly appreciate it if Hornet C & D templates could be shared with the community here.
  20. Well, I went the hard way and added the rail to the F-5EM, released by denissoliveira. I guess watching the missiles hanging from a pylon without rail was a bigger pain for me than doing the necessary ini edit... By the way I prefer adding the rails as empty fuel tank with a non-jettison entry in the data.ini of the aircraft. Of course that works just for aircraft with few weapon stations.
  21. Raven made a suitable rail for cases like this, just not sure where (in which topic) he posted it...
  22. That's OK Stary, I just wanted to direct mono27 to the aircrafts. Great pits!

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