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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. Hey Planejunky, how are you today? I'll try to help, just need some time, OK?
  2. Instead of PTB-800 you could use the stock MiG-23 tanks: Tank800_MiG23W - that's the wing tank, pylons are part of the FT model itself Tank800_MiG23C - that's the center line tank
  3. Check your PM, Planejunky, I have sent you something, hope it'll do.
  4. Got it, I will see what I can do later today.
  5. Sorry, mate, you didn't get the point. Take a look again at my previous post. I have 4 weapons stations dedicated only to FT, 2 on each wing, 1 for each type of tank. If you wish, you may PM me your aircraft data ini. I'll edit it for you.
  6. Большое спосибо, lindr2, класная работа!
  7. A little further, here is a part of the J-10A_data.ini, that I have entered myself to suit our purpose: ******************************************************************************** [LWFTStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=18 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-1.753,-2.15,-0.65 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-2.0 LoadLimit=2000 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=CHINA ModelNodeName= PylonMass=72.58 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=J10_370glFT [RWFTStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=19 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=1.753,-2.15,-0.65 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-2.0 LoadLimit=2000 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=CHINA ModelNodeName= PylonMass=72.58 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=J10_370glFT ******************************************************************************** [LWFTStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=20 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-1.753,-2.15,-0.65 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-2.0 LoadLimit=2000 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=CHINA ModelNodeName= PylonMass=72.58 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=J10_370gPFT [RWFTStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=21 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=1.753,-2.15,-0.65 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-2.0 LoadLimit=2000 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=CHINA ModelNodeName= PylonMass=72.58 PylonDragArea=0.02 FuelTankName=J10_370gPFT Again the important parts are in BOLD. The reason to separate the fuel tanks in weapon stations able to carry only tanks is to avoid double loads on a single station.
  8. By accident, yes, my bmp is J10_370glFT.bmp, however that's not the major issue here. The bmp file must be named just as the LOD file says. For my own pleasure, I tend to HEX edit the LOD file to rename the BMP as per my liking. The important issue here is that the tank folder must be named exactly as the TypeName says. So, I have 2 different in colous fuel tanks and these are the contents of the folders: Folder named J10_370glFT: J10_370gl.LOD J10_370gl-001.LOD J10_370gl-002.LOD J10_370glFT.bmp J10_370glFT.INI J10_370glFT_DATA.INI Here is the weapon data entry for this tank: [WeaponData001] TypeName=J10_370glFT FullName=J-10 370gal Wing Tank ModelName=J10_370glFT Mass=1500.000000 Diameter=0.750000 Length=5.660000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType= SpecificStationCode= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=1410.000000 Asymmetrical=FALSE Folder named J10_370gPFT: J10_370gP.LOD J10_370gP-001.LOD J10_370gP-002.LOD J10_370gPFT.bmp J10_370gPFT.INI J10_370gPFT_DATA.INI Here is the weapon data entry for this tank: [WeaponData001] TypeName=J10_370gPFT FullName=J-10 370gal PLAAF Wing Tank ModelName=J10_370gPFT Mass=1500.000000 Diameter=0.750000 Length=5.660000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType= SpecificStationCode= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=1410.000000 Asymmetrical=FALSE I have highlighted in BOLD the important parts, that must match. Hope that helps
  9. russouk2004, you've illustrated my point: both entries include TypeName=Tank_F6 In Planejunky's case we have 1 tank with TypeName=Tank_NADR_Desert , 1 tank with TypeName=Tank_NADR_Arctic and 1 tank with Tank_NADR_Grey I guess his aircraft data.ini shows FuelTankName=Tank_NADR_Grey As far as I am aware, SF2E is made so that the folder for each weapon is named just as the TypeName. So, if the TypeName=Tank_NADR_Desert, the folder name must be Tank_NADR_Desert as well. However, if the aircraft data.ini does not list FuelTankName=Tank_NADR_Desert, one will not be able to load that tank, although it exists in the weapons folder. Also one cannot have 2 subfolders with the same name in 1 folder. Planejunky, I have made a successful test with the InSky's J-10 as follows: 1. Created 2 different in colour fuel tanks Tank 1: J10_370glFT, placed in folder named J10_370glFT and TypeName=J10_370glFT, coloured dark grey Tank 2: J10_370gPFT, placed in folder named J10_370gPFT and TypeName=J10_370gPFT, coloured light grey 2. Editted the J-10A_data.ini as follows: - made separate weapon stations through ini editing on each wing only for fuel tanks to be loaded - on the right and left wing I have 2 almost identical weapon stations on each wing, however one shows FuelTankName=J10_370glFT, the other FuelTankName=J10_370gPFT So, now I am able to choose a skin and an appropriate in colour fuel tank for it. I suggest that Loadout.ini is editted to show the fuel tank that matches the skin under TextureSet001 in the aircraft ini file. This way the AI aircraft will be loaded with proper fuel tank to their default camo. I guess it is not the easiest or smartest of the possible solutions, but worked for me.
  10. Planejunky, are you sure SF2E allows more than 1 type of fuel tank on 1 aircraft? I mean, are you sure you can actually load tanks with different TypeName? WOE for example required that the different tanks have the same TypeName to show them all in the loading menu and allow the player choose one...
  11. Hey Planejunky, how about typing UK instead of RAF at AttachmentType in WeaponData? I am not home, so I cannot check my own install whether it says RAF or UK. I guess a small test wont' hurt though
  12. Probably not my place to interfere, but still, is it possible to make through ini editting a sort of a fake HUD, showing the required data and position it over the EVS screen?
  13. Not sure I understand the problem correct, but if you are asking about the missing pylon for the right chin pod, well the thing is that the model does not have such a pylon built in. You either need to model it separately and attach it with the fake pilot / seat method or you need a new pod with the pylon built in the pod model itself. As far as I remember, only the F-16D model and the block 50/52 vipers have that pylon built-in along with the laser pod, i.e. the pod with proper pylon is part of the model. As far as I know the F-16 you are using does not have this feature.
  14. Another way round the 6 group limit is to choose 1 group, assign group number 7 to it, thus making it a default load. Then all you need to do is just specify the weapons for that group in the loadout for the type of mission they are applicable to. You will not be able to select these weapons manually, but the game will load these automatically as specified in the loadout.ini This way you get 1 free group to assing to another weapon station and load it manually. I think this is great trick for getting assymetrical loadouts. I'd say, a good choice for a Tornado would be to number the wing outer stations group#7 and group#8 (by default they are #1 and #2), thus you will have 2 free groups to work with. You can place the BOZ107 and Skyshadow pods as default weaponry for each type of mission in the loadout.ini. So the game will automatically load these pods in every type of mission. If these are not used for some type of mission, just remove the entries from the loadout.ini for that type of mission. I am very fond of using this trick and in fact on a Su-22M-4, I have entered as many as 11 station group numbers, 6 manually loadable and 5 only automatically loadable. Hope that helps.
  15. At Atreides: As promised, I checked my WOE install and the gunpod weapondata.ini entry. The only difference I noticed between the text provided in the V2.2 aircraft pack and the one in my weapondata.ini file is that I have checked that gunpod as exported: Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=2008 ExportEndYear=2040 ExportAvailability=2 Apart from that, the usual procedure for adding a new weapon. So my suggestion to you is try to mark the gunpod as exported=TRUE and see what happens.
  16. My pleasure, mate! I did manage to get the pod loaded on the F-35C, don't remember to have done anything special. Will double check later tonight and will tell you how I got it to appear.
  17. Hey, guys, just gave the F-35A a try in WOE and yep, no gun fire. Then I found a simple mismatch between gundata.ini record and F-35A_data.ini. The gun type is listed in gundata.ini as 25MM_GAU-22/A The F-35A_data.ini lists the gun type as 25MM_GAU-22A The difference is a mere slash "/", so I made the gun type in F-35A_Data.ini match the one in gundata.ini and now I have a firing gun May someone else give it a try to confirm if that solves the issue?
  18. Attention Su-30 fans: http://paralay.com/su30.html
  19. Was there any restriction about multiple requests? Hope not! Would you be interested to build the pylon for the AN/AAQ-13 pod for the F-16C Block 30 as on the attached photo?
  20. Cocas, if I remember correct, you will be working on the Su-30. Are you interested in making that belly-like structure under the fuselage (the pods are already available) to allow proper loadout for RECON missions:
  21. During a nuclear attack, all windows of the crew cabin are supposed to be covered, to protect the crew from the light effect. So these 2 pods are used to allow the pilots see outside the cabin and safely fly the aircraft.
  22. OK, Fire Fox, thanks for info! I have always liked the way aircraft with wingtip missiles look. Just see a F-2, a F-16, a F-18, a Su-27/30/34/35 and also Yak-130 May be that mod could be released as a what-if, since real J-10 does not seem to have such pylons... The one on the picture above - is it some prototype??? Cannot tell if it's real or Photoshop
  23. Thanks, Fire Fox. Still, about those wingtip pylons and missiles, I checked the J-10A OUT file and did not see wingtip pylons listed. Is this some upgrade to the model you made yourself?
  24. Hey Fire Fox, is that a new J-10 model on the picture? May be J-10C still WIP??? Looks good with those wingtip pylons

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