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Everything posted by jeffyb

  1. They are brilliant, are they available for download? Great workπŸ‘πŸ» Jeff
  2. Would love an Israeli and SAAF version πŸ‘πŸ»
  3. Ethiopia, African Horn (1977-1990)

    Thanks for this, spent my childhood in Southern Somalia in the 80's.
  4. Panavia Condor Mk.50 "What If" SAAF 1980.
  5. SAAF "WHIF" Mrage IV (FGR4), work in progress Israeli "WHIF" Mirage IV (FGR4), work in progress.
  6. Thanks to Sundowner, sorted out the load plan. Jeff
  7. Hi, I'm after some help. I have tried to mod the Mirage IVP to have non nuclear bombs, something like in the following pics. I have tried to follow the info in the KB about editing loadouts but without success, any help much appreciated. Cheers Jeff
  8. Thats what i was after Sundowner. Would appreciate it, if you could send me that. Cheers Jeff
  9. Worked a treat Gepard, Thanks for that. Jeff
  10. Hi, I have the Angola Terrain V1, enjoying it greatly. I've noticed there is no airbase/airport @ Luanda. Is there anyway of adding one?? Cheers Jeff
  11. Sorry for the dumb question, Ive bought the campaign and mission editor downloaded them, but how do I use them?? Cheers Jeff
  12. Cheers for the reply. I only want Mirages and Kfirs, plus Arab aircraft in my Israel file plus only the aircraft I want to add. Jeff
  13. Is there a way to hide unwanted aircraft in the selection box?? Jeff
  14. Thanks for that, appreciate the replies. Jeff
  15. Hi, I have bought a couple of Mirages, needed for the Angola scenery. I'm abit confused. They have been installed in the main SF2 , DLC folder. Do I need to then open them up or move them to my MOD folder?? Any help much appreciated. Jeff
  16. Nuclear Reactor

    Is there away of adding this to Angola V1 terrain??
  17. Hi, Just wondering if there is a template for the Mirage 4000? Interested in doing a "What If" SAAF and Israeli version. Cheers Jeff
  18. Wonderful aircraft, just wondering if there is a template for it? I have a couple of ideas for a SAAF and Israeli version. Cheers Jeff
  19. Flown on the Somali Airlines 707 a fair few times in the early 80's. πŸ‘πŸ»Don't suppose you could release the skin?? Cheers Jeff
  20. Sorry for the bump on this old post, but I was wondering if these SAAF Kfir C2 skins were released? Cheers Jeff
  21. Brilliant it worked. I now have a Mirage IVA with an AN-22 nuclear bomb. Already for the SAAFπŸ‘πŸ». Cheers Jeff
  22. Hi, A newbie, slowly learning the basics of SF2 Have successfully added a repainted aircraft and added terrain. I have downloaded the Mirage IVP, i believe there was a Mirage IVA, but that is no longer available, my query is, can i change the load out of the Mirage IVP? It comes with a ASMP nuclear missle, can i change it to say a B61 nuclear bomb, as there is no AN-11 or AN-22 bomb available, and make it a proxy Mirage IVA? Cheers Jeff

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