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File Reviews posted by Durasoul

  1. The pack includes a total of 42 (sub)variants of the night vision gear compatible cockpit configurations of the F-16 series aircraft.

    It covers versions of all 4 initial NATO partners Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway.

    16AM, BM


    The above represents the upgraded version, the MLU. It is night-vision systems compatible, which is correct.

    Other variants covered are of some other NATO members Greece, Poland etc. and Middle East operators Egypt, Israel and Turkey.

    16C_Bk25, 30, 32, 40, 42, 50, 50+, 52, 52+





    The 16C Bk40 (early) depicted.


    1. The night-vision effect is like a color filter thing to me. does it do anything? It is frankly a subjective opinion. I would say I definitely need it if I plan to have fun doing night missions in SF2 NA. (the tight valleys you know..)

    2. Team Viper has done a magnificent job on the cockpits obviously. They are simply gorgeous.


    Thank Team Viper and Ravenclaw for the mod!


  2. The floating ice covered sea is really amazing! Thank you all, the people involved in the development now and then. You Sir did it right for the overall feelings (of loneliness and silence) around the vicinity of the area.

    May I suggest you could consider enriching the map by adding more (period-correct) ground objects/buildings in the terrain, should there be any further development.

    Again, Thank you all!

  3. I encountered the missile system with my stock israeli A-4F. I noticed that although the SAM was being launched right after I flew past it, it has NO chance tracking my aircraft (I didn't even employ any evasive moves !!)(I was flying at about 250-300 ft above ground)

    That said, I enjoy being launched at at such low altitude. Appreciated for the effort in the development!!

    A Great piece !


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