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Everything posted by DukeIronHand

  1. Ditto. I have several of your mods in use now. Keep up the good work.
  2. How fortuitous! I need a new leather jacket. Thanks - except now to chose a style. Wonder what style MvR's reported "lucky leather coat" really looks like. Be kinda cool...
  3. Thanks for the tip Olham - will give it a try that way.
  4. Got this from another website. I hugely enjoyed it. http://www3.nfb.ca/includes/player/player_full.php?_onfplr_sel=viewfull&film=id=538490&formats=default&speeds=default&use_cc=no&use_dv=no&f=flash&t=normal&s=hv&pm=rtmp%3A%2F%2Fflash.nfb.ca%2FWW1%2Ffilms%2Fhv%2F54571.flv&w=640&h=512&c=http%3A%2F%2Fwww3.onf.ca%2Fenclasse%2Fgrandeguerre%2Ffr%2Fplayer%2Fplayer.css&pp=http%3A%2F%2Fwww3.onf.ca%2Fenclasse%2Fgrandeguerre%2Ffr%2Fplayer%2Fplayer_full.swf&cn=grandeguerre&ct=2500000&ttl=Images+d%27une+guerre+oubli%E9e&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww3.nfb.ca%2Fincludes%2Fplayer%2F&lg=fr&ss=&pmvroot=%2Fvar%2Fnfb%2Fapache%2Fhtdocs%2Fphplib%2F&pmvurl=grandeguerre%2F&pmvsid=%2Fstats%2F&pmvpage=17&pmvglob=1
  5. Very cool WW1 video

    Good work Olham finding the main page. Nice video you posted also. Am watching the infamous "The Kid Who Couldn't Miss" right now. I've always liked Billy Bishop and don't have the objective sources to know the real story or to solve the controversy but... this film comes across as a real hatchet job.
  6. Very cool WW1 video

    Wrong film but I'm going to watch it also.
  7. Very cool WW1 video

    You are correct. Just tried it and the link appears to be down. Have to try again later.
  8. Very cool WW1 video

    That was my guess at first glance.
  9. Very cool WW1 video

    The one part that really surprised me (and would make me nervous as a FE2 flight crew) was the attachment of the wing at approx. the 9:30 mark. I would be very curious how it was actually attached. The stress on this joint (based on location alone) must have been huge. Might explain the oft-seen verbage in Combat Reports of the "wings folding back" and then crashing. Yikes! Edited for spelling - hey its early!
  10. OFF was acting quirky so...

    There are few things I can guarantee but it not being a fragmented HD is one of them. I am a defragmenting fool.

    Uhhh...I got the "fat" part down alright. A brandy might be just the thing!
  12. working on an alternate map

    Excellent detective work. Will give it a shot today.
  13. Hello, Seems like in my own experience an awful lot of flying in OFF is done in the rain. Then, looking at others screenshots and videos about half (it seems) are taken during a rainstorm or rain. At the risk of sounding stupid is there a way to change this via settings or .xml files? Bad flying days are part of the WW1 pilots lot when, because of weather (even a high wind on a clear day) there no was flying. The CFS3/OFF engine is not (or maybe cannot?) modeling this. Obviously weather was less of a issue with WW2 (CFS3) AC. I understand that the "real life" AC could fly in the rain though, in my reading, it was not done a lot. On top of the wood and fabric plane (though doped) getting soaked rain meant (usually) high winds, low ceilings, and poor visibility in general.
  14. Do I need a flying Noah's Ark?

    Well then I guess I will STFU and do some more campaign flying...I will admit I am not a "old hand" with OFF! Maybe if I stopped dying so fast... Or perhaps the AI's version of "good flying weather" is different then my own! EDIT: I wonder if the standard that the AI uses to determine a "good" flying day is adjustable in a .xml file in case I don't agree with what the AI decides to call good flying weather repeatedly. Thanks Creaghorn - I will pay closer attention.
  15. Do I need a flying Noah's Ark?

    I always start my campaigns (even in RB3D) in February or March 1917. That way my pilot (assuming he lives that long) will be involved in "Bloody April." A bit of weirdness on my part I suppose! I guess to make myself clearer I have no problem with days of rainy weather/bad weather in March or whenever but I wish the OFF engine would not schedule missions for those days. And to have the time advance accordingly with "flying weather" checks done on a daily basis with missions scheduled only on these good days. That would be very cool...if doable!
  16. Do I need a flying Noah's Ark?

    Yes I could go that route. I guess may fantasy would be for the campaign engine to have a feature like "Your scheduled patrol for June 9, 1917 at 0800 has been canceled due to poor weather (rain and high winds)" and then the campaign advancing to the next scheduled patrol day with a weather check being done by the computer for that day. Probably a pipe dream I guess!
  17. Who wants white Allied flak?

    A huge thank you for this.
  18. Long time owner of the SF1 series and have just purchased SF2V. One of my two pet peeves with the sim is the apparent female voice of "Red Crown." Unless I am way off base this should be a male voice. Has anyone modded a male voice for "Red Crown"? Thanks.
  19. Long time SF1 and WoV owner who just upgraded to SF2 Vietnam. Still getting adjusted with key mapping, d/l's, graphic settings, etc. However during a few test flights I have noticed the bomb release sound is still not working!?! I had hoped this would have finally been fixed or do I need to add/adjust something in my setup? Thanks!
  20. Again I got the noise/sound part down I guess my point is that the pilot must have some indication of weapon release - be it noise, feel, cockpit indicator, or whatever. Activation of the "bomb release" sound would be a easy fix and indicator. Oft times I come off a target and, in the heat of the moment, wonder if I had my finger on the right button/switch, as I have no indication that the weapons (bombs) released or not - except going to a external view.
  21. Just bought it and still goofing with my settings - I'll let you know...and thanks for the tip if I should have the same problem.
  22. Well, I got that you would not hear anything but I think multi-hundred (or thousands) pounds of explosive separating from your fighter size AC would give a "feel" of some kind as a feedback. A sound would be good instead for a sim...or something else if I had a FFB joystick.

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