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Everything posted by GKABS

  1. Hello RustyKurnass, I have been running the game for over a year now using windows 10 and I have no problem with it so far.
  2. Jet pilot

    That is good news thank you for testing the model and for helping me getting the 3 max converter to SF1
  3. Ukraine Airlines crashed in Iran

    Just in Iranian authorities released the British Ambassador in Tehran after arresting him for a while. I really don't know what is going on in Iran thing's are getting fast. No charges can be forced against an Ambassador and to arrest him is illegal/ against the diplomatic immunity unless while doing his crime. Even at that time, authorities have no right to keep him arrested.
  4. Ukraine Airlines crashed in Iran

    This is just in Reports about arresting the British ambassador in Tehran while photographing the protests against the downing of the Ukrainian plane. a picture from the moment the British ambassador in Tehran is now arrested.!
  5. Jet pilot

    Try this one please and tell me if it's working as I can't test without the game. GK-Pilot.zip
  6. Jet pilot

    The MaxExporter is not compatible with my Max-2009. sadly I can't do anything.
  7. Jet pilot

    I am willing to do it for SF1 if you send me the 3d max plugins.
  8. Ukraine Airlines crashed in Iran

    I would like to share this article it's really interesting: How Not to Operate a Surface-to-Air Missile Battery It’s not yet clear why a Ukrainian jetliner was shot down on Wednesday, but a lot had to go wrong. It’s getting clearer that the Ukrainian airliner that crashed in Tehran on Wednesday was shot down by an Iranian missile. It’s far from clear whether Iranian forces mistook the plane for an enemy aircraft, shot it down intentionally, or perhaps allowed an air defense system to fire autonomously. American officials said Thursday that launch detection satellites and other intelligence showed that Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 was downed by an Iranian missile minutes after taking off from Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran. All 176 people aboard the Boeing 737-800 were killed. “What’s bizarre about it being a mistake, is that not only was this an airliner that’s operating at medium altitude, it was departing from the nearby airport in Iran leaving the country, not descending into the country from outside of the country,” said David Deptula, a retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant general who was principal attack planner for Operation Desert Storm. “You scratch your head and go, ‘Holy cow, how could this happen?’” The incident occurred just hours after Iran fired 16 missiles at U.S. forces based in Iraq. checklists to identify objects appearing on a radar screen. “There are established procedures to achieve positive verification [and] positive identification,” Deptula said. “But remember, when you have humans involved and tensions and anxiety in a combat situation, people make mistakes.” In 1988, the crew of the Vincennes, a U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser, mistakenly shot down an Iranian airliner flying from Tehran to Dubai. During the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the U.S. military mistakenly shot down a British Tornado jet when a Patriot interceptor mistook the warplane for an anti-radiation missile. And in 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was brought down by a Russian Buk missile over Ukraine. “In one sense [the crash in Tehran is] a bit different; in the other, it’s not,” Deptula said. “There are mistakes that are made particularly in high-pressure, high-tension situations.” A surface-to-air missile battery operator typically tries to get positive identification of a suspicious aircraft before firing. Since all commercial airliners have a transponder that sends out unique information about that particular aircraft — known as a squawk — the missile operator should check for this info. “You don’t have to have a radar hit for that,” Deptula said. “That is a device that actually transmits that information.” If a plane is not transmitting a squawk, the surface-to-air missile operator should check the local flight timetable. If there’s nothing on the flight schedule, he or she should next analyze the flight characteristics of the plane. “Is this airplane coming in at low altitude and high speed [while] heading toward a sensitive operating area,” Deptula said. “Or is it climbing out on a profile, going through medium altitude at a speed typical of an airliner…and what’s its vector. “Any one of those three elements, you then have a good sense as to whether this is a hostile aircraft or a friendly or remains an unknown,” he said. Each country has rules of engagement that dictate when to fire anti-aircraft missiles. Ukraine Airlines Flight 752 was climbing to the northwest — away from Tehran— and was at 7,925 feet at a speed of 275 knots when its squawk was lost, according to flight tracking data from Flightradar24. The Defense Intelligence Agency said in its most recent public assessment of Iran’s military said its “fielding more-capable, domestically developed SAM and radar systems to help fill gaps in its air defenses.” A U.S. official told the New York Times that a missile from a SA-15 air defense system shot down the plane. The system can operate in autonomous mode, according to a Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance fact sheet. A former senior defense official called the incident “totally unacceptable incompetence.” Iran’s air defenses “basically don’t clear anything, they just shoot,” the former official said. “We really won’t know [what happened] until there’s an investigation and the people who were involved are debriefed,” Deptula said. “But I doubt we’re going to find that out anyway.”
  9. I have been working on a new pilot model to add to the game and I was searching the forum but couldn't find what I was looking for, What I need to know is what step to follow after completing the model to have it show in the game.
  10. Jet pilot

    I have included a template with a white helmet, so you can color it the way you like.
  11. No problem mate, I will do my best. If you can just post a photo that will be great
  12. Ukraine Airlines crashed in Iran

    I totally agree with you, instead of denying the accident, they should have come out and told the truth to the entire world instead of denying it. on top of that, they refusing to hand out the black box too.
  13. I just added the helmet visor and the communication switch.
  14. Iran strikes US bases in Iraq.

    Iran has not stopped threatening the Middle East region since 1979, beginning with the Iran-Iraq war, bombing embassies in kuwait (French and American) attempting to assassinate the late Emir of Kuwait, bombing the US Marines in Lebanon in 1983, hijacking airways, attacking oil tankers the Arabian gulf, and Hezbollah proxy wars for irant hat threatens the entire region. The Revolutionary Guards intervention in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, killing many thousands civilian and supporting racist and terrorist governments such as the Bashar Al-Assad government in Syria and the list go on
  15. Iran strikes US bases in Iraq.

    From my experience this is the end of this scenario, Iran is not stupid they know that they can't stand a chance against the US. this is what Iran foreign minister Javad Zarif tweeted
  16. Saudi Arabia Air Force

    You are absolutley correct my mistake
  17. Saudi Arabia Air Force

    From the album Saudi Arabia Air Force

    This is a collection of photos for the Saudi Arabia Air Force.
  18. Saudi Arabia Air Force

    From the album Saudi Arabia Air Force

    This is a collection of photos for the Saudi Arabia Air Force.
  19. Saudi Arabia Air Force

    This is a collection of photos for the Saudi Arabia Air Force.
  20. Saudi Arabia Air Force

    From the album Saudi Arabia Air Force

    This is a collection of photos for the Saudi Arabia Air Force.
  21. Saudi Arabia Air Force

    From the album Saudi Arabia Air Force

    This is a collection of photos for the Saudi Arabia Air Force.
  22. Saudi Arabia Air Force

    From the album Saudi Arabia Air Force

    This is a collection of photos for the Saudi Arabia Air Force.
  23. Saudi Arabia Air Force

    From the album Saudi Arabia Air Force

    This is a collection of photos for the Saudi Arabia Air Force.
  24. Saudi Arabia Air Force

    From the album Saudi Arabia Air Force

    This is a collection of photos for the Saudi Arabia Air Force.
  25. Saudi Arabia Air Force

    From the album Saudi Arabia Air Force

    This is a collection of photos for the Saudi Arabia Air Force.

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