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View File Photorealistic default skin for Geezer's Martinsyde G100/G102s Photorealistic skin for excellent Martinsyde G100/102 (all modifications) by Geezer. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. Eugene Submitter Eugene2 Submitted 07/03/2022 Category Other Entente Aircraft Skins
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Photorealistic default skin for Geezer's Martinsyde G100/G102s
Eugene2 posted a file in Other Entente Aircraft Skins
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Default skin for Sopwith Triplane
Eugene2 posted a topic in Thirdwire - First Eagles 1&2 File Announcements
View File Default skin for Sopwith Triplane Skin for excellent Sopwith Triplane by Stephen1918 There are alternative default skin for British Triplane. You can use that skin for SopwithTripe2Gun after rename files "Tripe..." files to "2Tripe..." files. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. Eugene Submitter Eugene2 Submitted 06/11/2022 Category Sopwith Skins-
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Version 1.0.0
Skin for excellent Sopwith Triplane by Stephen1918 There are alternative default skin for British Triplane. You can use that skin for SopwithTripe2Gun after rename files "Tripe..." files to "2Tripe..." files. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. Eugene-
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- sopwith triplane
- sopwith
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View File Skin for Airco DH-4s Skin for excellent Airco DH4s by Stephen1918/ You can use this skin for AircoDH4_250 and AircoDH4_375 aircraft. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. Eugene Submitter Eugene2 Submitted 06/04/2022 Category Other Entente Aircraft Skins
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View File Skinpack for stock SPAD VII's Default skinpack for stock SPAD VII's. There are two skins - for French and Russian aviation. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. I removed wing's cockades and rudder's emblems from "Decals.ini" because they were integrated in my skin. Eugene Submitter Eugene2 Submitted 12/27/2021 Category Spad Skins
Version 1.0.0
Default skinpack for stock SPAD VII's. There are two skins - for French and Russian aviation. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. I removed wing's cockades and rudder's emblems from "Decals.ini" because they were integrated in my skin. Eugene -
Default skin for stock Albatros D.Va's
Eugene2 posted a topic in Thirdwire - First Eagles 1&2 File Announcements
View File Default skin for stock Albatros D.Va's Default skin for stock Albatros D.Va's. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. I removed wing's and rudder's crosses from "Decals.ini" because they were integrated in my skin. Eugene Submitter Eugene2 Submitted 12/26/2021 Category Albatros Skins-
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Default skin for Albatros D.V
Eugene2 posted a topic in Thirdwire - First Eagles 1&2 File Announcements
View File Default skin for Albatros D.V Default skin for stock Albatros D.Vs. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. I removed wing's and rudder's crosses from "Decals.ini" because they were integrated in my skin. Eugene Submitter Eugene2 Submitted 12/18/2021 Category Albatros Skins -
View File Default camo skin for SPAD 13's family It's the time of default skin for the most popular stock aircraft of all flight sims about WW1 - SPAD 13. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. I removed wing cockardes and rudder's tricolor from "Decals.ini" because they were integrated in my skin. Put folder "D' into "Objects/Decals/SPAD13". Eugene Submitter Eugene2 Submitted 05/29/2021 Category Spad Skins
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Version 1.0.0
It's the time of default skin for the most popular stock aircraft of all flight sims about WW1 - SPAD 13. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. I removed wing cockardes and rudder's tricolor from "Decals.ini" because they were integrated in my skin. Put folder "D' into "Objects/Decals/SPAD13". Eugene- 2 reviews
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Basic skin for Nieuport 12
Eugene2 posted a topic in Thirdwire - First Eagles 1&2 File Announcements
View File Basic skin for Nieuport 12 Skin for excellent Nieuport 12 by Stephen1918. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. I removed wing cockardes and rudder's tricolor from "Decals.ini" because they were integrated in my skin. Add to Nieuport12.ini: [TextureSetXXX] Name=N12_PhR Nation=France Squadron= Specular=0.60000 Glossiness=0.600000 Reflection=0.600000 Eugene Submitter Eugene2 Submitted 05/03/2021 Category Nieuport Skins -
Version 1.0.0
Skin for excellent Nieuport 12 by Stephen1918. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. I removed wing cockardes and rudder's tricolor from "Decals.ini" because they were integrated in my skin. Add to Nieuport12.ini: [TextureSetXXX] Name=N12_PhR Nation=France Squadron= Specular=0.60000 Glossiness=0.600000 Reflection=0.600000 Eugene- 1 comment
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Basic skin for Nieuport 10
Eugene2 posted a topic in Thirdwire - First Eagles 1&2 File Announcements
View File Basic skin for Nieuport 10 Skin for excellent Nieuport 10 by Stephen1918. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. I removed wing cockardes and rudder's tricolor from "Decals.ini" because they were integrated to my skin. Add to Nieuport10.ini: [TextureSetXXX] Name=N10_PhR Nation=France Squadron= Specular=0.60000 Glossiness=0.600000 Reflection=0.600000 Eugene Submitter Eugene2 Submitted 05/02/2021 Category Nieuport Skins- 2 replies
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Version 1.0.0
Skin for excellent Nieuport 10 by Stephen1918. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. I removed wing cockardes and rudder's tricolor from "Decals.ini" because they were integrated to my skin. Add to Nieuport10.ini: [TextureSetXXX] Name=N10_PhR Nation=France Squadron= Specular=0.60000 Glossiness=0.600000 Reflection=0.600000 Eugene- 2 comments
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- 9
View File Default skin for SPAD-VII"s family Default skin for SDAD VII's family in-game integrated models. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. Add to SPAD7_150, SPAD7_180, SPAD7_LG : [TextureSetXXX] Name=French_PhR Nation=FRANCE Squadron=3ESC Specular=0.800000 Glossiness=0.800000 Reflection=0.500000 StartDefaultDate=1916 Eugene Submitter Eugene2 Submitted 06/06/2020 Category Spad Skins
Version 1.0.0
Default skin for SDAD VII's family in-game integrated models. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. Add to SPAD7_150, SPAD7_180, SPAD7_LG : [TextureSetXXX] Name=French_PhR Nation=FRANCE Squadron=3ESC Specular=0.800000 Glossiness=0.800000 Reflection=0.500000 StartDefaultDate=1916 Eugene -
Why there is no exhaust smoke in FE2 ? In FE1 exhaust smoke is visible.
Skin for Halberstadt CL.II
Eugene2 posted a topic in Thirdwire - First Eagles 1&2 File Announcements
View File Skin for Halberstadt CL.II Skin for excellent Halberstadt CL.II by Stephen1918. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. Add to HalberstadtCL2.ini: [TextureSetXXX] Name=Early_PhR Nation=Germany Squadron= Specular=0.400000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.400000 Eugene Submitter Eugene2 Submitted 04/22/2020 Category Other Central Powers Aircraft Skins- 1 reply
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Version 1.0.0
Skin for excellent Halberstadt CL.II by Stephen1918. I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft. Add to HalberstadtCL2.ini: [TextureSetXXX] Name=Early_PhR Nation=Germany Squadron= Specular=0.400000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.400000 Eugene-
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Hello gents', Thought I'd post some speculations and observations on the FM aspects of some things in FE2 and SF2 that I've recently been tinkering with. This might be an interesting post for those who like to follow these technical threads. I was recently installing more aircraft into my small SF2 install - something I wanted to get to last year but had no time - and I decided to install a couple of the late prop aircraft too, particularly the SeaFury and F4U-5 variant of the Corsair. Overall pleased with the handling of the types, I tweaked a few things such as desensitizing the rudder on them, and also giving them slightly heavier aileron feel - since those late model prop aircraft were fairly heavy, about 4500 kg on average. Further testing involved flying and inspection of the [FlightControl] and [Engine] sections...couldn't get much beyond about 500 kph near sea level or at alt. in the I commented out the MaxSpeedSL entry for the FlightControl, and tweaked prop speeds to close to historical, within the 2000 to 3000 rpm range, also pushed up the value for the SLPowerDry entry for the Engine, usually by a noticeable amount, and then tested further. Some of the things I've noticed, in terms of SF2 specifically (but this post is relevant to FE2 too): a) WEP power is not modelled realistically, since you can keep running it without engine damage b) WEP power doesn't give much of a boost, if at all (although I've only tinkered with the SeaFury and Corsair so far) c) a better way of simulating, however simplistic it is, the potential of WEP power, is to manipulate the AltitudeTableData numbers instead (for example, I plugged in values ranging from about 1.05 to 1.35 around the 6000 m alt. band, which should be where the Corsairs benefitted the most from max. throttle) d) after manipulation of the AltitudeTableData, it's best to get rid of the WEP entries entirely, and set up "throttle gradients" instead under the engine sections, such as: ThrottleRate=0.65 IdleThrottle=0.12 CruiseThrottle=0.45 MilThrottle=0.70 MaxThrottle=1.00 The numbers above I've plugged in, for example, for the Corsair. The space between Military throttle and Max throttle would be where "WEP power" would theoretically in this case be engaged, somewhere around the 0.85 mark for the band I've selected above. For this to work somewhat realistically, the player should restrict themselves to about 85% throttle max. except in extreme situations, depending of course on where military and max throttle are set. Also important for this to work is to make sure that the max SL speed under the FlightControl section is left uncapped (commented out) - otherwise artificial barriers are set up that cannot be bypassed by more than about 20-30 kph. Speed caps work beautifully in SF2 for the jet engines, but, at least from my experience, don't work that well with the late prop planes since you can then never hit top max. recorded historical speeds, not even at alt. - and not at SL either. Also noticeable in the example above is that I've increased the throttle rate from the default of about 0.25. Historically, late prop aircraft would have had better acceleration than early jet planes (not better top speeds, but faster acceleration to their own max speed). By the 1960s/70s, jet engines should surpass the props even in acceleration. I then re-tested by dumping the modified Corsair into my FE2 install. In SF2 it can get into the 760s kph, as historical, using the engine and throttle values I've included in my graded throttle settings above, while in FE2 the same tweaks push the top speed into the 880s kph - a difference of about 120 kph for top speeds, across FE2/SF2. This is why it's not a good idea simply to transfer data inis from one of the sims to the other. I'm assuming that the discrepancy in top speeds means that TK went with calculations to give less air resistance in FE2 (maybe FE as well?) - to fit better with the more fragile and maneuverable WWI aircraft types. One thing that remains constant between FE2 and SF2 is that, at least from my observations, the WEP modelling is not very realistic - there was no high alt. band where I could push the top speed beyond, for example, a reasonable top speed that may have been possible at near sea level (such as 500 or 600 kph). Some preliminary conclusions, to be tested further: a) speed caps at sea level should be kept in place in FE2, as done in the data inis in my FM packs, since they fit better with the lower top speeds of the early aircraft anyway, and mach limits should also be kept fairly low (I have them set at 120% of the "top speed" of the WW1 aircraft....this allows for realistic dive speeds that I haven't been able to push beyond about the 460 kph mark even on the late war types such as the SE5a) b) flying late WW2 and early Cold War prop aircraft in FE2 is not recommended, but FE2 may be good for "Golden Age" stuff, as Geezer speculated upon in another thread (can't remember the link for that now), in other words for aircraft that don't have a top speed higher than about 350 or 400 kph c) the difference between top speeds at alt and at sea level are modelled just fine for the jet engines in SF2, since caps on SL speeds, and Alt speeds, work fine for those (have seen this in some Flogger tweaks that I did for my mini-SF2 install); in other words, SF2 respects the wet/dry mach values and alt table entries beautifully for jet-age stuff d) I think that the MaxThrottle value in SF2, for the prop aircraft, could use some more tinkering/testing...I've set it at 1.00, but will try other values of 1.20, 1.50 etc., to see if this creates more realistic differences between regular power and WEP, or some kind of "accordion" effect e) as it stands, I'm enjoying the SeaFuries and Corsairs but only with SL speed uncapped and giving historical top speeds not at alt. but near sea level (this is a compromise of sorts since, at alt, they still make about 600 kph and sometimes a bit more - so I'm not terribly irritated by not attaining 740 kph at 7000 m alt or so, for example, in the SeaFury, as recorded for that plane) f) a couple of pics included below of the AI in SF2 now losing control of their F4U-5 Corsair during a scrap, and doing several back flips (too much throttle applied perhaps?); he then bails out of the otherwise undamaged plane; so, overall, I'm liking the realism of some of the haphazard maneuvers they now make, and also the increased speed at which these late prop fights now happen, even on the deck g) anything that I find of further use in the SF2 data inis, and if relevant to FE2, I will tinker with more to bring even more realism into FE2 (the lockout speed trick implemented for control surfaces in the alternative Morane-Saulnier type N data ini posted under the FM thread for FE2 is an example of things discovered while combing through the SF2 files) Happy flying, Von S
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Hello gents', A quick heads up for those running FE2 in WineSkin on a Mac - keep in mind that FE2 is a 32-bit program. MacOS 10.15 and later will not be supporting 32-bit programs anymore (only 64-bit). This of course is a problem considering that WineSkin (and other Wine programs for Macs) are currently 32-bit. While WineSkin may eventually go 64-bit (this is a slim possibility), there is no guarantee that 32-bit programs like FE/FE2 will be able to run in it even if it is 64-bit, considering that MacOS 10.15 and later are stripping out most if not all of the 32-bit code from their OS. This leaves Mac fliers of FE2 in a precarious position. Options are eventually to go over to Windows and drop fiddling with WineSkin, or to keep running your older Intel Macs (like my 2012 quad-core Mini), or grab another Mac and sort of future-proof yourself, with something like a Mac Pro or the newer Mac Mini (2018), providing you don't upgrade past MacOS 10.14 (last one to support 32-bit). SF2 by the way is 64-bit, and so is WOFFue - so those are good to go into the future of 64-bit OSes, on the Windows side. No guarantees that you will be able to fly WOFF/SF2 in future Mac OSes however because WineSkin may remain 32-bit only (no telling what's going to happen with Wine on a Mac at this point). Have been reading some forums that the Wine folks may move over to Linux entirely if the Mac world drops 32-bit...not good news for legacy simming/gaming. Anyway, I'll probably future-proof myself in some way with an extra Mac or two since I like running FE2 in WineSkin and there's no dropping FE2 once you get the modding bug. Happy flying, Von S UPDATE: The CodeWeaver folks working on CrossOver (a fork of Wine) may be developing a way for 32-bit code/libraries to be loaded into a 64-bit version of Wine - something that may eventually be ported to the general branch of Wine too - but again this is work in progress and no telling what will happen until the dust settles down over the next couple of years, in terms of 32-bit gaming on a Mac, in Wine. Linux has a 64-bit version of Wine that can load 32-bit code for older games, and it seems to have had this for several years already - but this is not relevant to gaming on a Mac. Will update this post further if any (good) news emerges.