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Found 7 results

  1. Hello! So, about a year and change ago, I posted about the horrible frankenstein of an install I used to make Wings Over Europe, the Steam version, run on Windows 10. You may be delighted and/or terrified to hear that it both runs and runs well, and is stable. However, I have encountered a different issue. I would like to fly the Hawker Hunter. The vanilla engine noise it ships with is absolutely horrible, to the point of making the aircraft unflyable. Being the spiffy little autodidact that I am, I went into the game's root folder, into the objects subfolder, and within it, tried to locate the sound folder so that I may replace the engine sounds. Yes, I checked the game's basic Sounds folder, and the engine sound for the Hunter specifically, among a few other aircraft, isn't there. The HunterFGA9 folder contains only three files: RAFCamo1, HunterFGA9.ini, and the .bmp image of the aircraft in the hangar. I rummaged around the .ini file to try and locate a directory that it is pulling the sounds from, to no avail. There is a reference inside of said .ini to another .ini by the name of HunterFGA9_data.ini, but I could not locate this anywhere. Clearly, it exists, as the aircraft is flyable in game, but god help me if I can find it. So, in the briefest possible terms: How can I replace the God-awful engine noise from the Hunter (and multiple other aircraft) with something less ear-bleed-y?
  2. Howdy y'all! So, I installed Wings Over Europe via Steam, promptly updated it to the October 2008 patch, and fixed the stuttering by using the ENB patch for Skyrim (of all things). I also cribbed the DDraw.dll from the DgVoodoo install, which prevented the game crashing when pressing escape at the end of a mission. A couple of things to note here: - The renderer indicated in the options menu is not ENB, but my GPU still. Despite this, the game runs perfectly fine. - I turned the shadows down from Unlimited to High as I read on a forum post that this could help with z-fighting, but this did not solve the issue. I will turn it back up to Unlimited if it is all the same. - There are absolutely no other graphical issues in the sim what so ever, no matter the aircraft, time of day, or weather. The issue I am describing in the title appears like so in sim. I took three screenshots so you could see the way the dark boxes flicker on surfaces. It is not just aircraft, either, but also terrain. It seems to get culled in a circle as I turn my head with TrackIR: As you can see, my wingman gets periodically eaten by this weird black blob. I am at a loss as to how to fix it, and if it cannot be fixed, that's completely understandable given the Biblical age of the engine. Thanks in advance!
  3. View File HH-53C / CH-53C Super Jolly Green Over Europe Sikorsky CH-53C, HH-53C Super Jolly Green Giant Over Europe Ver 3.0 for SF2 This is a third party add-on of early rescue / special operations Sikorsky helicopter HH-53C and CH-53C It is designed for and works only in SF2 series. And will never work in SF1. March 2016 February 2019 ************************************************************* This is FREEWARE-DONATIONWARE and it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. Bribes and donations are accepted; ************************************************************* ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEB SITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* CHANGES: I highly recommend to overwrite previous files decals/weapons/guns- or best is delete the old one and put new files. YOU NEED TO DELETE OLD AIRCRAFT FOLDERS CH-53Cand HH-53C from European pack. Many things were changed and as tested Overwriting may cause some problems...So delete old ones put new ones. The rest (except Aircraft folders) are same can be overwritten without fear...also delete old weapon: HH-53_ ALE-20 Small changes in ini files, corrections on fuel loadout, changes in cockpit ini. Small changes in skins. Also No longer fake weapon "no gun" is needed - thanks to The Trooper. He pointed small fix in data.ini. Added simple bump and specular maps. Also added damage tgas. Major changes in the cockpit - now it is much more correct. Although probably not everyone cares ore will see a difference. Anyway. ******************IMPORTANT****************** FakePilot mod needed to run this mod. As always. Standard animation commands HH-53 C: LANDING GEAR - Nose light deploy/retract at any speed. ANIMATION 1 - cargo ramp half open ANIMATION 2 - cabin windows ANIMATION 3 - wipers outside/inside ANIMATION 4 - refueling probe Hook - changes position when refueling to see the tip of the spear. rescue op: Open "bombbay" doors - cargo ramp and right side hatch/door ANIMATION 8 - Open side doors, lower jungle penetrator ANIMATION 9 - deploy PJ ANIMATION 10 - lower/raise hoist. Animation 8, 9 and 10 have a speed limit. So you can't hoist on full speed. With little practice, you can even hoover. Without fake flaps and airbrakes. Important here to control is using rudder and vector thrust control. Normally throttle vector control on 88-89 degree increase power 70% then slowly more and more, wait and it will take off. Cockpits. One cockpit for both aircrafts. Skins. All serial numbers are based on available photos and are historically correct and few versions of one unit for each helo. CH-53C 601st TASS Sembach, Germany. - early SEA and late EURO1/ hi viz painting. HH-53C 67th ARRS Woodbridge, UK. - early SEA and EURO1 camouflage scheme plus additional one grey before 67th moved to Woodbridge. Weapons. The only "offensive" weapon is left/right side gunner equipped with GAU-2 minigun. Well, it is quite a defensive weapon. CH-53C can be equipped with a refueling probe (same weapon station as in RH-53D) There is a separate weapon station called SandyStation - with allowed all sort of offensive weapons. Purpose of this station is to fly with Sandy (or any other USAF aircraft) as wingman fully loaded. Same way can be added Sandy fuel tanks. IMPORTANT - Due to tu construction of this mod, it is better to use collision and landing on NORMAL setting. On hard, you may have some complications on the airfield - especially with underslung cargo load. Pilots - best to use is OldDiego's pilots. Have fun. Edit and report bugs. Jarek Hereda. Thanks to everyone who helped me with this. daddyairplanes,331Killerbee,76.IAP-Blackbird. Thanks for all kind support. T.O. 1H-53©A-2-1 Technical Manual USAF HH-53 and CH-53 model. T.O. 1H-53(H)B-1 Flight Manual. H-53 Sea Stallion in Action Squadron/Signal Publications by C.M.Reed. hampshireairfields.co.uk gonavy.jp helis.com amarcexperience.com aerialvisuals.ca abpic.co.uk planepictures.net pavelow.us pjpararescue.blogspot.com pjsinnam.com jollygreen.info edwards.af.mil and more..... Submitter yakarov79 Submitted 03/13/2016 Category Other  
  4. Version 3.0


    Sikorsky CH-53C, HH-53C Super Jolly Green Giant Over Europe Ver 3.0 for SF2 This is a third party add-on of early rescue / special operations Sikorsky helicopter HH-53C and CH-53C It is designed for and works only in SF2 series. And will never work in SF1. March 2016 February 2019 ************************************************************* This is FREEWARE-DONATIONWARE and it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. Bribes and donations are accepted; ************************************************************* ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEB SITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* CHANGES: I highly recommend to overwrite previous files decals/weapons/guns- or best is delete the old one and put new files. YOU NEED TO DELETE OLD AIRCRAFT FOLDERS CH-53Cand HH-53C from European pack. Many things were changed and as tested Overwriting may cause some problems...So delete old ones put new ones. The rest (except Aircraft folders) are same can be overwritten without fear...also delete old weapon: HH-53_ ALE-20 Small changes in ini files, corrections on fuel loadout, changes in cockpit ini. Small changes in skins. Also No longer fake weapon "no gun" is needed - thanks to The Trooper. He pointed small fix in data.ini. Added simple bump and specular maps. Also added damage tgas. Major changes in the cockpit - now it is much more correct. Although probably not everyone cares ore will see a difference. Anyway. ******************IMPORTANT****************** FakePilot mod needed to run this mod. As always. Standard animation commands HH-53 C: LANDING GEAR - Nose light deploy/retract at any speed. ANIMATION 1 - cargo ramp half open ANIMATION 2 - cabin windows ANIMATION 3 - wipers outside/inside ANIMATION 4 - refueling probe Hook - changes position when refueling to see the tip of the spear. rescue op: Open "bombbay" doors - cargo ramp and right side hatch/door ANIMATION 8 - Open side doors, lower jungle penetrator ANIMATION 9 - deploy PJ ANIMATION 10 - lower/raise hoist. Animation 8, 9 and 10 have a speed limit. So you can't hoist on full speed. With little practice, you can even hoover. Without fake flaps and airbrakes. Important here to control is using rudder and vector thrust control. Normally throttle vector control on 88-89 degree increase power 70% then slowly more and more, wait and it will take off. Cockpits. One cockpit for both aircrafts. Skins. All serial numbers are based on available photos and are historically correct and few versions of one unit for each helo. CH-53C 601st TASS Sembach, Germany. - early SEA and late EURO1/ hi viz painting. HH-53C 67th ARRS Woodbridge, UK. - early SEA and EURO1 camouflage scheme plus additional one grey before 67th moved to Woodbridge. Weapons. The only "offensive" weapon is left/right side gunner equipped with GAU-2 minigun. Well, it is quite a defensive weapon. CH-53C can be equipped with a refueling probe (same weapon station as in RH-53D) There is a separate weapon station called SandyStation - with allowed all sort of offensive weapons. Purpose of this station is to fly with Sandy (or any other USAF aircraft) as wingman fully loaded. Same way can be added Sandy fuel tanks. IMPORTANT - Due to tu construction of this mod, it is better to use collision and landing on NORMAL setting. On hard, you may have some complications on the airfield - especially with underslung cargo load. Pilots - best to use is OldDiego's pilots. Have fun. Edit and report bugs. Jarek Hereda. Thanks to everyone who helped me with this. daddyairplanes,331Killerbee,76.IAP-Blackbird. Thanks for all kind support. T.O. 1H-53©A-2-1 Technical Manual USAF HH-53 and CH-53 model. T.O. 1H-53(H)B-1 Flight Manual. H-53 Sea Stallion in Action Squadron/Signal Publications by C.M.Reed. hampshireairfields.co.uk gonavy.jp helis.com amarcexperience.com aerialvisuals.ca abpic.co.uk planepictures.net pavelow.us pjpararescue.blogspot.com pjsinnam.com jollygreen.info edwards.af.mil and more.....
  5. Hello, I'm new to this forum and see that this is a truly committed community with excellent mods. I flew my way from falcon, dcs, il2 to strike fighters. I was grounded for several years due to professional reasons. Now, with limited time available, I want more flying and less reading (manuals). I found strike fighters the perfect match! And, I must say...it feels really immersive! It is the perfect combination between realism and playability. I enjoy it! Altough I see it as an early jet era sim. The lesser extend of complexity of those jets are perfect for these kind of sims. That's were it's suited for the most in my opinion. But...I must say that I found the way sf2 works, especially the way it can be modded confusing. I succeded in installing the rends europe enhancement mod, eventually. It is truly great work! However, the Israël mod by Stary is a mistery for me. Maybe I have to explain that I installed both of the games on a different location on Win 7 machine( asus i5 laptop). On my d drive instead of my c drive. For WOE, i could find all the folders, including the so. called mod folders. But for wings over Israel... There is no folder such as the modfolder like there is for WOE! I can't find it! Apart from the original install folder on my d drive. I did what was decribed. Opened the game ones, searched in user/saved games/ etc... I find the folder for WoE but no Israel folder! So, I have no place to put the folders in... I don't understand. HELP! Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.

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