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Interview With SidDogg

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An Interview With SidDogg



SidDogg's Favorite Quote: - "May God have mercy on my enemies. Because I won't..." --- Patton


Hello everyone! This week I had the wonderful privilege of interviewing a long time member and mod author, SidDogg, who very kindly agreed to do an interview with us. Thank you, SidDogg.


So, can you tell us a little about yourself?

Well, for those who know what it is, I'm from South Tacoma. Born and raised most of my years as a kid. Been in the U.S. Navy for 8 years now. I'm an Aviation Electronics Technician.

What interest you about aviation?

I was born on an airbase, grew up around airplanes, even in the city. Always had a far different aspiration as a kid. Being a zoologist, a paleontologist, even a bus driver when I was really small. Then again, by a twist of fate, I came back around to aviation, especially air combat, once I realized it was the one thing I could be truly good at. From then on, I grew to love it, more and more...


What is your favorite aircraft and why?

Eek! It's a hard tie between Crusader and Tomcat. Both airplanes were ahead of their time (still are...), both airplanes perhaps underrated in Washington. But both airplanes TOOK respect and fame abroad, while flying in combat. Did I mention both airplanes can out fly many more modern types, even those of today? If you ask me, there's nothing up there that's f***in' with that.


What got you interested in flight simulation?

While beginning to mess with aviation as a kid, I ended up slowly happening into contact with , and thus the knowledge of this type of game. Previously, although I was into airplanes like crazy by then, I had no idea such games even existed! THEN i got FS98 for my 11th birthday. I think that's when things really took off...


index.php?app=gallery&module=images&sectDo you remember the first flight sim you ever played?

MiG-29 Fulcrum. Heroes Of The 357th. Top Gun: Fire At Will! iF-16! Sabre Ace! The list could go on for a bit, messing with the good old games back in those days.


What motivated you to arrive here at Combat Ace and stay here 9 years?

Good Question. As I started learning more and more about flight simulation, I began to notice gaps, as far as subject matter was concerned. It was also around this time that I learned much about the air war in Vietnam. We had games like EF2000 and AHX-1 and A-10! Cuba and F-22 Lightning, but what about airplanes from the 60s, ESPECIALLY the less popular ones? In 2003, my question was answered when I bought a neat little game from an EB in Tennessee. Called STRIKE FIGHTERS: PROJECT 1. Had an F-100 on the back. AND an A-4. I saved up my 15 dollars and bought that sucker. Pretty sure I have the last original (buggy) retail copy in the U.S. because I never saw another copy ever again. Started seeing about addons online. Ran into SFP101.net. Then I found Biohaz Central. They required membership, so I joined. Not too long after, the site became CombatACE. Been growing with this family ever since.


When did you start modding?

Funny you should ask. Around the turn of the century, I found Flight Sim Toolkit. Games were fun already, but BUILDING one from scratch was another thing altogether!!! I immediately began putting work in on getting games that had been made and playing them, as well as seeing about making my own. After a couple years, my life took a turn of events that would force me to part with FST. By that time, I had full Vietnam, Top Gun, and Tuskegee mods complete. Airplanes and everything.


What does modding do for you? Is it something that is relaxing, a neat hobby, etc?

Modding in SF basically does for me what FST once did. Make my "own" sim within required parameters, without having to conform to whatever commercial markets think we should have. Let's face it aside from games like DCS series, War Thunder and a few others, the market on combat flight simulation has gone WACK (looking at YOU, JASF!...how dare you). IMO, SF is untouchable, though.


What modding tools do you use and why?

I WISH I had 3DS Max, so I can get back to doing what I did best --- making models. But for right now , it's all about GIMP, TE and TFDTool. Keeping it simple.


What is your favorite mod you have created?

Still working on it! I work it so much, it throws me into boredom, and I have to take a break from time to time. But I enjoy it very much, and I hope you all will, as well.


What is your favorite mod that you did not create?

Just ran through a whole "career" as an A-7 pilot, SF2V ex pack, mixed with SF2NA ex pack, then on through ODS to "retirement". Good stuff.


Who is a Modder you admire or inspired you to start modding?

Since I was modding as a kid, and got up on SF the same way, I can't really say I've looked up to anyone...with that said, there is a WEALTH of skill, experience and sheer talent, gathered here at CombatACE. The reason I am still here is because I sincerely believe that as far as combat flight simulation goes, there is NO ONE else out there who can even f*** with us. Hand these folks any game engine. They commit mass murder. Of course, I love SF, and I am thankful that TK gave flight simulation players AND modders such an opportunity.


Once again, thank you SidDogg for taking the time to do an interview with us and being here at CombatACE and thank you so much for all you do to help defend freedom.


Well folks that’s all for this interview. I hope you enjoyed it. I’m Skyviper with the CombatACE News Team wishing you all out there, good hunting.



SidDogg's Hashtags.

#howdareyou  #megamod   #thatisall

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Hi SidDogg!


Nice interview.


I have liked the Crusader since New Year's Eve 1994's Discovery Wings marathon! I was 9 then, now I'm 27 and I still love the bird. My #2 was F-105, but that fell to the AV-8B, my baby while in the Corps.


Nice interview, nice story. It's the perspective of an early, pre-9/11 millennial, and to me that's very unique and interesting.

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My parents got me FST for my 14th birthday from my wish list. The problem was that I didn't have the time, processor or experience to make good use of it. I'm glad you did.

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Great Interview SidDogg! I did read a when it came out. Just thought I'd relay the thought. Sorry for the slight delay.

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