JimAttrill 24 Posted December 26, 2009 Looking good, but do you have permission to grow that fuzzy stuff on your face? What do you think this is, the bloody Navy? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RAF_Louvert 103 Posted December 26, 2009 . OUTSTANDING! Love that sepia photo of you Stiffy, very vintage. . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JimAttrill 24 Posted December 27, 2009 Talking of walking sticks, do you have one of those canes to stick under your arm? I don't know exactly about the RFC, but in the RAF of 1921 the stupid things had to be carried by all airmen when outside the camps. Read 'The Mint' by T. E Lawrence for confirmation of this. Written long ago, but only recently published. I had a cane once - when I was trumpet major of the RAF Halton band. The trumpet major normally played facing the others and conducting with the left hand. On major occasions the cane replaced the trumpet. I never saw any other cane in use, although the drill sergeants often carried a pair of those huge wooden dividers under their arms. I think the dividers were supposed to be used to measure the standard stride which was 30" IIRC. They were mostly used for poking us in the stomach Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stiffy 1 Posted December 27, 2009 They are called Swagger Sticks... an RFC one went on ebay a little while ago for about £90... out of my price range! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siggi 10 Posted December 28, 2009 ITs nice.... but they didn't use Enfield revolvers in WW1, they used the Webley. Enfiled mark one was replaced in the 1880s with the webley because the enfield wasn't very good! Mark 2 enfield didn't come along until the 1920s. They made damn good short rifles though! Although the enfield is similar the only bit you usually see is the handle poking out of the holster which is very different to the webley, webley is rounded and black, enfield is squared off and wooden. Good find though!... I didnt realise they made a replica of any service revolver.... odd that they chose the crap one to make though lol! Yeah, I learned that while searching, but I could find no Webleys and I don't recall any being made by the Japanese airsoft companies even as far back as 1990. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stiffy 1 Posted January 8, 2010 More progress towards my final uniform!!! I managed to find a company selling replica rank tape/braid for ww1 jacket cuffs as well as replica cloth pips! So I had a go at converting a jacket myself. Not quite perfect yet and this jacket is still too small around the rib cage - yes its really my ribs... I can suck the gut in!... even at 18 years old and 11 stone I had a 42" chest!... although my waist line has now more or less caught up! so will probably go on sale along with the others to fund my project further. For this jacket I machine stitched the tape which means its not as precise as I'd like... the bunching flattens itself out when wearing but could still be perfected further. All I need now is a suitable jacket with a 44" chest to begin my final project.... Next attempt should be far more acurate as will be hand stitched! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RAF_Louvert 103 Posted January 9, 2010 . Looks super Stiffy! Well done Sir. A labour of love and it shows. Can't wait to see the final version. . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites