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Carrier based MiG-23A WIP

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Opps... surprise! MiG-23A what if... (1972 project, can be realized to 1976)


based on MiG-23M


- refuelling probe


- new cockpit


- hook


- 2 unfolded undertail fins


- Sapfir-23ML Radar







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Pretty much what was supposed I believe to be on the Project Oriol? (If I got the project correct).

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  On 11/23/2010 at 6:40 PM, Gepard said:

If you want merge your model with the FM of my MiG-23MK



Thanks, but MiG-23K is ANOTHER project...



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Fight tests:

Take OFF!











p.s:sorry, i don't have more mig-23k drawings... :unsure:

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Lindr2, realy welcomed project! Good work on this, will you create a twoseater? Or even the vertical takeoff MiG-23 prototype with deltawings?! I`m just asking :drinks:


I like prototypes!

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  On 12/6/2010 at 1:01 PM, lindr2 said:

MiG-23K :grin:









That's Sexy!

how it woul be launched from the carrier ?

Edited by Silverbolt

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Looks fantastic, can it have also the "heavy" looking back of the MF or PFM Mig-21, I htink there is additional fuel stored, so it can use the middle weaponstation for something else than a fueltank ;)


Will you create the back windows too? for a rearward view?!


look behind the canopy, there are additional windows!

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MiG-21F Pilots told me, that the small windows at the rear werent really usefull. Thatswhy the czech had deleted them on their MiG-21F13. I think Lindr2s version is more realistic.

As suggestion, perhaps it would be possible to add the dogtooth at the wingroots, as it was used in MiG-27M or MiG-23MLD. Should make the bird more agile and slower at carrier approach.

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  On 12/6/2010 at 2:34 PM, 76.IAP-Blackbird said:

Looks fantastic, can it have also the "heavy" looking back of the MF or PFM Mig-21, I htink there is additional fuel stored, so it can use the middle weaponstation for something else than a fueltank ;)


Will you create the back windows too? for a rearward view?!

look behind the canopy, there are additional windows!


Know You or not, but into MiG-23K project (1976-78) used some features from MiG 9-11 include cockpit design, but 9-12 do not have back windows. Whether back windows for an MiG-23K are necessary?. I'm not assured yet about it ....


9-11 prototype (1973 project)






about refueling probe: that MiG-23K version also exist

Edited by lindr2

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Mh interresting aspect, thanks forthe info lindr2, the idea was to have a variety in the versions, with or with out the window, or without the refuelprobe .. just some ideas ;)


Good work so far, thanks!

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For the MiG-29 project 3 different design concepts were tested.

The first was a twin engine MiG-23 look a like with no swing wings and F-15 style air intakes ( the first in the row of lindrs drawings)

Then was a design which reminds on the later Yak-41 (second in row)

And finally the lifting body concept, which later became the MiG-29. project 9-11 was a MiG-29 body with MiG-23 avionics for export. Was cancelled because it was impossible to fit the MiG-23 radar in the MiG-29 body. 9-12 was full development. 9-12A was export WP, 9-12B was export rest of the world.

Edited by Gepard

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