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A-1 Skyraider

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A-1 and all variants

5 files

  1. MontyCZ's A-1H Skyraider, version 6

    A-1H Skyraider, USN/USMC by MontyCZ Ver. 6

    for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2 Series, 06, 08 and Up Patch Levels

    This is a complete revamp of MontyCZ's Original Skyraider ™. Historically, this aircraft was the VERY first add-on aircraft available for Strike Fighters 'way back when. At my request, Monty was kind enough to revisit this aircraft, and cut several new mesh faces for ease of skinning and decaling.
    This aircraft mod is designed to REPLACE all eariler versions; however, there will be some small modifications YOU, as the End User ™ will have to make in the various skin bmps and decal inis if wishing to convert older skin mods to this newer LOD.
    Full instructions on the how-to are in the accompanying Word document, "Updating Older Skins". Now, it should be noted, some of the very old skins may NOT take to the new lod. They, therefore, may need replacement.
    This aircraft also makes use of the "prop-pit" mod I created for the WW2/Korean Era Skyraiders, and is based off the existing Skyhawk's. It is included.
    The new skin accompanying this mod represents A-1H Skyraiders from VMA-331 "KillerBees" in approximatley 1958-60 time frame.
    The aircraft has been EXTENSIVELY tested in 08 Patch Level and SF2 "NextGen" series games, and has had several changes in the data ini to try and update it as much as possible. It could still use some fine tuning of the FM, but it seems to handle pretty well, considering the last update for the FM was in something like 2005!!! It is also fully usable in 06 level game installs, with some minor back-tweeking (documented in the "Notes" section below). It is fully carrier capable, and now has folding wings. ECM capability has been updated, with the addition of chaff and flare dispensers. The aircraft also makes use of an audio-only RWR.
    Weapons fit uses all stock in-game items; no weapons pak is needed, but feel free to make whatever changes you wish. The shadow statement in the main ini has been updated to post-08 standards, and will work in SF2s as well. All aircraft lighting has been adjusted as per real aircraft, with properly placed formation, running and landing lights. Wingfold is now active, and controlled via an animation key (shift/9). There are a few issues with the canopy still but it's quite livealbe with.
    3 Hangar screens, and a USN loading screen are included. The "sf2_A1H_Hangar.bmp", while obviously desinged for SF2 NextGenners, can also be used for TOS games as well. It's a 'generic' carrier-deck style, with no blackboard. My original 'boxart' style for TOS games is also included, as well as the carrier-deck style, WITH blackboard. Your choice!!
    The aircraft folder and main ini have been named in such a way as to differentiate =THIS= A-1H from the stock 3rdWire unitin SF2:V or the Razbam versions. Do NOT change these names!!!
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. There's an extensive "Notes" section, detailing various and sundry things of interest, including an appeal to our 3D modelers....
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


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  2. AD-4N/NL Skyraider

    AD-4NL Skyraider, Korean War, VC-35


    UPDATED to Ver 2 for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2 & SF2:V, too

    This version is designed to TOTALLY replace the one I released in 2005; a LOT has been updated.
    This has a brand new skin, still representing VC-35 "Night Hecklers" during the Korean War, is based off new templates
    from Royohboy's AdA Skyraiders, all new decals for modex and semi-historical BuNums. I saw 'semi', as these ARE in
    fact, REAL BuNums as assigned by BuAer to AD-4NLs, but I was unable to ascertain exactly which were assigned to
    VC-35's aircraft. So, consider them generic AD-4N BuNums.
    This is a full, complete add on aircraft mod, with all the goodies necessary. Along with the new skin and decals, there's a
    heavily modified/repainted/tweekified A-4E cockpit. (more below in "Notes" on an alternate).
    Small data ini edits add a landing light, a few more running lights. Edits to the landing gear make this aircraft fully functional in the post-08 patch world. It should also function pretty well in SF2/SF2:V. This has been tested, and acts just the same in SF2 as is post-patch WoE. It's fully carrier rated, so mission and campaign builders can do their thing.
    2 new -only available in this mod!!- carrier deck Hangar Screens are included. Both are the "WoE-style", but for the SF2
    series, that one has the blackboard removed. Also, a new damage tga for the 'tail' section has been created.
    Designed for use with any weapons pak, the 3 necessary addons, the APS-31 radar pod, AN/ALT-7 ECM pod, a small
    50-ish gallon and 300 gallon tank are included. What is NOT included, are the HVARs, 250, 500 and 1000 lb WW2 era
    bombs. You WILL need to have these available via one of the existing weapons paks!!!
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
    Good Hunting!!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  3. AD-4 Skyraider, Version 2.0

    AD-4 Skyraider, Korean War Era, Ver. 2

    for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and possibly SF2 & SF2:V


    Updated to Version 2, Uploaded 5/20/09

    Modifications and reskins for MontyCZ's A-1H to create the eariler AD-4 Skyraider, as used during the Korean War.
    This version is designed to TOTALLY replace the one I released in 2005; a LOT has been updated. It is also designed for use in a Korean War Era install -- although it's quite workable in any era up to 1956, when the US Navy changed the color scheme.
    It is also redesigned for use in the post-08 patch environment of the above mentioned games. Instructions for back-dating to 06 levels are in the "Notes" section below.
    There are 2 brand new skins, still representing VF-194 and VMA-121, during the Korean War, but based off new templates, with some enhancements from Royohboy's AdA Skyraiders, all new decals for modex and semi-historical BuNums. I say 'semi', as these ARE in fact, REAL BuNums as assigned by BuAer to AD-3/4s, but I was unable to ascertain exactly which were assigned to each squadron's aircraft. So, consider them as rather generic AD-3/4 BuNums, but accurate nonetheless.
    NOTE: these skins are also designed to REPLACE any earlier versions!!!
    The VF-194 skin is a redo of that from the original release, with all new decals. The VMA-121 skin bmps are new, and also gets all new decals. I believe the original skin/decal set was done by Volksjager.
    For those that might be wondering, yes, there are 2 more skins in the works....
    This is a full, complete add on aircraft mod, with all the goodies necessary. Along with the new skins and decals, there's a heavily modified/repainted/tweekificateded A-4E cockpit. (more below in "Notes" on an alternate for those that wish a more beautiful, functional and fantastic cockpit). My old 'artwork' style Korean AD Hangar Screen is included; all the artwork was done by the legendary R.G. Smith, who worked for Douglas, and was more or less the Official Company Artist.
    Small data ini edits add a landing light, a few more running lights. Edits to the landing gear make this aircraft fully functional in the post-08 patch world. It should also function pretty well in SF2/SF2:V. This has not been tested by me however, as I don't have either of them yet. It's fully carrier rated, so mission and campaign builders can do their thing. Once we get the new Korea map....
    Designed for use with any weapons pak, the 2 necessary addons, the AN/APS-4 radar pod and 300 gallon tank are included. What is NOT included, are the HVARs, 250, 500 and 1000 lb WW2 era bombs. You WILL need to have these available via one of the weapons paks. However, a "new" weapons has been added - the 260 lb AN-M81 Fragmentation Bomb as used by the Navy. Expeciallly usefull for those pesky CAS, Armed Recon and SEAD mission (and historically used by Panthers in the flak suppression roles)
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (7 reviews)



  4. A-1H Skyraider

    A-1H Skyraider aka Spad


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  5. A-1H Version 5.0 For SFP1 SP3 And WoV SP1

    This is v5.0a Pack for the A-1H Skyraider MODEL By Monty CZ (Pavel).
    This Pack Includes The Latest INIs, LODS, USN Vietnam Skin, USAF Vietnam Camo, Engine Sound, and A-1H COCKPIT
    This Pack is Updated For use With Strike Fighters Service pack 3 and Wings Over Vietnam SP1
    This Pack Is Setup To Update Linebacker I, Line Backer II and Rolling Thunder Campaigns For WOV.


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