3 files
SF2 Korean War Era PLAAF/NKPAF MiG-15
By Wrench
SF2 Korean War Era PLAAF/NKPAF MiG-15
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged, =PLUS= SF2I Expansion Pak 1 (Required!!!) =
*Note: You =MUST= have SF2:I Expansion Pak 1 to gain access to the MiG-15. If you don't have it, downloading this mod will do you no good, as you won't have the aircraft it's intended for*
A small reskin/decal mod for the stock 3W MiG-15 (no suffix) Fagot-A, in PLAAF markings of the 72 GvIAP. Which we all know, of course, was "actually" North Korean, flown by "advisors" from the Soviet Union <grin>.
It represents the first operational PLAAF/NKPAF Squadron for the MiG, which scored the first air-to-air kills against UN forces in Korea.
Skins maps are in jpg format, decal randomization is TRUE.
Included are modifided data, loadout and main inis (along with my PatentPending 'xMiG-15.ini' that allows for easy restoration to flyable status, after patching or game-generated random re-writes). A 'new' seat and my 'PilotER' figure are included, as well as new sounds. Stary's cockpit as well is here for you flying pleasure (with a repainted gunsight tga for those of us with Old Eyes ™). A Hangar screen is NOT included. The canopy opens via the Usual Suspect ™ keystroke, Shift/0.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Just for fun!
Happy Hunting!
kevin stein
MiG-15bis Fagot-B, NKPAF "The Hunters"
By Wrench
MiG-15bis Fagot-B, NKPAF "The Hunters"
= For SF2, Full-4 Merged, PLUS Expansion Pak 1 =
As stated above, you MUST have -at minimum!!- SF2 (full-4 merged) plus/and/or SF2I with Expansion Pak 1. If you do not have these minimum requirements, DO NOT DOWNLOAD this package, as you'll be unable to use it.
The skin is a base natural metal, with a partly repainted (from a partial template) "nose" bmp to add the NKPAF Red Nose. Those familiar with actual historical marking will note that is IS slightly smaller, and without the central cutout for the Bort numbers, than those made (in)famous during the Korean War. Those familiar with the movie "The Hunters" will note that the 'MiGs' were really F-84s, but that's neither here nor there <grin>.....
So, basically what this is, is a re-purposing of of the decal set as used on Pasko's MiG-15 to recreate the movie Enemy Aircraft , now using TK's model from Expansion Pak 1.
However ... number randomization has NOT been activated for this skin, so with luck "7-11" should be the first aircraft shown. After all, you want to fly as Casey Jones, right? Not as some lower-echelon flunky??
The latest (as of 7/11 patch + all the DLCs -don't know if they changed/added anything) Data ini is included, as I've activated the canopy, added a different pilot (my craptastic PilotER), and a seat ("liberated" from Pakso's old version -- fits quite nicely, too!) for him to park it on.
If you have the Cuban MiG-15 skin/ini pak, the data ini herein will replace that one. Allow the Overwrite. I've made some AI changes, to try and improve the insane pitch-up they perform on take-offs.
The canopy is (still!) activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it).
As always, fairly easy to follow, highyl detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
Have Fun!!
kevin stein
8/11/2013 Note: It's suggested you ONLY add the skin and decals to the KAW MiG-15bis. THAT one has the good flight model by Fubar512. So, do NOT use the data ini included herein!
MiG-15bis Fagot-B, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba)
By Wrench
MiG-15bis Fagot-B, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara
= For SF2, Full-4 Merged, PLUS Expansion Pak 1 =
As stated above, you MUST have -at minimum!!- SF2 (full-4 merged) plus and/or SF2I with Expansion Pak 1, as this added the 15bis to our aircraft stable. As I have a full-4 merged, plus both expansions, I can't say for sure it's available any other way.
The skin, is a base natural metal, with a partly repainted (from a partial template) tail bmp to add the FAR rudder flash. The stock in-game Bort number decals are used, as all the photographic evidence seems to point that way. (in fact, other than the repainted tail bmp, everything is stock!)
The latest (as of 1/11 patch) _data ini is included, as I've activated the canopy, added a different pilot (my craptastic PilotER), and a seat ("liberated" from Pakso's old version -- fits quite nicely, too!) for him to park it on. The 'main' ini is also included, as I've included Ordway's Mig Pit, making the aircraft player-flyable (as if you all haven't done that alreadly!). The engine sound has been set to the old TMF "MiGEngine.wav" (not supplied), but there are several good/better ones out there for you to find.
The canopy is activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it).
As always, fairly easy to follow, highyl detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
¡Aterrizajes felices!
Kevin Stein
(hope the translation came out ok! or at least right!)
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