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  1. Syrian Su-22F & Libyan Su-22M3 for Strike Fighters 2: Israel

    12 May 2011
    Syrian Su-22 and Libyan Su-22M3 Ground Attack for
    Strike Fighters 2: Israel
    Su-22M3 Export variant Su-17M3 with MiG-23BN Engine.
    Su-17M/Su-22M/Su-22M3 was the most numerous variant
    with almost 1,000 built. Syria has about 50 Su-22's.
    Lybia has about 36 Sukhoi Su-22M3/UM-3K's.
    All files needed are included.
    To Install:
    Just drop files into The Strike Fighters 2: Israel
    User Directory. Can be used in other mods.
    Fixed Aircrafts left roll problem.
    Other adjustments to Data.ini.
    Changed the Name to Su-22 "Fitter-F"
    I want to thank the Community for all their effort.
    AmokFloo Su-17M Model & Skin.
    Armourdave, Sal Cockpit.
    Gepard Original Desert Skin.
    ravenclaw_007 PTB-800 Drop Tank & SPS-141 ECM-Pod.
    ravenclaw_007 SU-7 SPS-141 ECM Pod.
    Spectre8750 Repaint for Syria & Decals.
    Matt Ouellette for original Hungarian skin used for
    Spillone104 Sounds.
    The Trooper Red3203 Pilot
    AleDucat Zvezda K-36D Ejector Seat.
    MGunny Ordnance Shop II.
    add to Squadronlist.ini:
    [squadronxxx] <---Change xxx's to next in sequence.
    DisplayName=Libyan 81st BS 4th BW
    DisplayName=Syrian No. 677 Squadron
    Thanks to all, let me know if i missed anyone.
    Spectre8750 at gmail.com


       (4 reviews)



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