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SF2 Lockheed F-94B Starfire Pak by ErikGen
By Wrench
SF2 Lockheed F-94B Starfire Pak by ErikGen 10/4/2012
= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
**Note: this is a re-upload, as the original was damaged in the recent unpleasentness. you do NOT need to redownload if you have it already!***
A brand new aircraft, that will replace the orignal 1stGen SFP1 version you may have.
This is the Lockheed F-94B 'Starfire', all-weather interceptor. This is a BRAND NEW MODEL, by ErikGen; part of his exceptional Lockheed Shooting Star series.
The aircraft comes with 4 skin/decal sets:
69th FIS
319th FIS (both for KAW)
USAFSilver a generic NM skin
449th FIS, as used by the ADC at Ladd Field (AFB), Alaska. *
The skins are set to 'turn on' at specific years; in 1948 you'll get the 'generic', 51 the 2 KAW skins, and iirc, the Alaskan ADC 449th.
All skins are in DDS format.
The first 2 have all new decal sets; the later 2 reuse those I made for the old Pasko Starfire. All decals are Randomized; all skins are in DDS format. A new SF2-style hangar screen, sounds, pilots and drop tanks (same as the Shooting Stars, btw) are included. Other weapons used can be found in the GunnyPak, or the KAW Misc Items downloads.
The Standard Animation Keystroke is used for the canopy (Shift/0).
As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
Did I happen to mention, this is a BRAND NEW aircraft? Just checking...as there seems to be the occasional doubt.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
//for the KAW Team//
*everyone know how much I hate wasting good decals!
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