About This File
This is an update for the infantry pack for the WOV Enhanced Ground war Campaign.
Thrilled ith a better ground war, yet unhappy with the lack of ground action I meshed parts of the object DATA files from the infantry pack with those of the superb Falklands mod. Result, you now have ground units that fire, including at you!
Instructions: Just drop the appropriate DATA file intot he folder of each unit in your Ground Objects folder.
Known Issues:
I find sometimes that the VC squad will be facing the opposite direction from the US squad and will nto rotate all the way around to engage in a firefight.
Next: Modding a special forces/ LRRP squad, and modding the M-113 ACAV squad to be a real ACAV squad and not special forces ith an ACAV which makes no sense. Also, to make the NVA Squad look like NVA.