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Burning Sands 1951-1995

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Burning Sands campaign 1951-1995 (Use for Strike Fighters Pack 1)


The campaigns are based in 1951-1995 which focus on the

birth of the first jet dogfight to the zenith of BVR combat.


Time frames starts in 1951, 1962, 1975, 1995. Each campaign represents the evolution of

jet based combat, which can include:

1951- First Jet vs Jet dogfight of the F-86 Vs Mig-15

1962- Supersonic Delta wars of the MirageIII Vs Mig-21

1975- Early Generation BVR combat between F-4, Mirage F1 Vs Mig-23, Mig-25

1995- all the past 3 generations culminate in ultimate age of jet based warfare

F-16C, F/A-18C/E Vs Mig-29

F-14D, F-15C Vs Su-27

F-15E Vs Su-30


The Following aircraft are required


Stock (.CAT extractor needed) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=343

F-105D (get it from WOV or WOE)

SBC125 Intrepid class carrier (Get it from WOV)

CVA63 Kitty Hawk Class Carrier (Get it from WOE)

Tanks- T-62A,T-72,M60A1 (get it from WOE)

Mig-23M (Get it from WOE)

B-52D (Get it from WOV,WOE)

Mig-17 (Get it from WOE)

TU-16 (Get it from WOE)


Required objects

-1951 Campaign aircraft (Get it from Korean air war Mod)

-F-15C, F-15E, F-16C_B30 (Get it from ODS mod)

Mig-25PD (Get it from NATO fighters)

MirageIII/F-1C, F-8E, A-7E, F-5E, Mig-29C, F/A-18C, F-111E, J-35F (Get it from Column 5)

Su-27 (Get it from Marcfighter)

F-14D (Get it from Column 5)

F/A-18E, EA-18G, Su-30-Su-35, EF-111A, A-5A (Get it here in CombatACE)

M1A1 (Get it from either NATO fighters or ODS mod)


-Weapon Pack

Mirage Factory 1-25-09 Weapon Pack (for the guns)

Community 2.52 Weapon Pack (For the weapons)

Both can be found here


Anything required but not shown can be found in either NATO Fighters, ODS mod, CombatACE, and Column 5


-Other notes-

-For the best gameplay experience, Play the Merc Campaign.

-For even Better gameplay experience, add any aircraft you want to gain more access of planes.

-Planning map is also included, so if you want to edit it to your reference, this map can help greatly.

-Campaign description is not edited (Focusing more on the gameplay instead of the Backstory)

-Some planes like the F-14D and F/A-18C are just renames of the F-14A and F/A-18A (It just sounds better)

-Because of such renaming, be ready to do some manual modding

-F-16C won't fire BVR missiles, so here is the link to fix not only the F-16C but all the F-16 series


-modding the DATA.INI and Loadout.INI for all aircraft is a must

-There is the Stock campaign which comes along with it (Overwrite if you want, it is untouched)


Credit Goes to its respective owners of the aircraft, and mods, as well as Crusader for helping me

figure out the BVR issue for the F-16.


Future plans

I Want to work on a campaign that takes place in 20XX which feature generation 5 fighters.

I want to create the ultimate dogfight between the F-22 and Su-47, But until the Su-47 is complete,

These 4 campaigns will have to make do.

User Feedback

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If you have any problems regarding installation, just shoot a message here and i'll get to the issue.


Common issue

F-14D and F/A-18C are just renames of the F-14A and F/A-18A on column 5.

(All credit goes to column 5 for these 2 awesome planes)

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