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SF2 F-86D/L v1.0

   (1 review)

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About This File

Upgrade of the F-86D Dog Sabre and F-86L Lima Sabre to SF2I standards. Includes new Med-Rez skins, damage textures, sounds, effects, and weapons.


Known Issues


The AI is really crappy about firing the Mighty Mouse Rockets as a rocket, so I borrowed Hgbns gun data for the Mighty Mouse. But still, the AI is horrible at using the Rocket so don't count on the AI to do a whole hell of a lot. This addon still needs tweaking for the AI to be effective, may require some cheating for the AI to use. I released this to hopefully make this pack better and useable against aircraft


So if you know how to make it better, PM me and I will test and update.




Sabre Dog Team ~ F-86D and L model

Zur ~ Orginal F-86 Model

Hgbn ~ Mighty Mouse Gun Tweak

Spillone104 ~ J47 Sound and Exhaust Effects

RavenClaw ~ 120gal Drop Tanks


Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Visit the URL below for more info.



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