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Su-25 for SFP1 and WoX

   (5 reviews)

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About This File



The setup for this mod is designed to use the Thirdwire first generation folder structure patched

to 10-08 standard, the latest one as per January 2010!


It doesn't contain the model of the plane itself, you need to get the fourth setup pack of NF4+ (link below) to get it. This package contains the INI reworks to make the model compatible with the first generation games along with the correct gun of the plane.


1) Unzip the "Su-25-firstgen" folder to a temporary place where it is easy to find.


2) Add the data from "GUNDATA.txt" to your GUNDATA.ini (numbering the entry with the first number availabe), open and save it with the gun editor. This step adds the Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-2 gun which was the gun gun carried by the series-produced aircraft.


3) Get the 4th pack of NF4+ at CombatAce: http://forum.combata...&showfile=10125 and extract at least the folder containing the Su-25.


4) Copy the plane folder (the one with the LOD's and the cockpit directory) to your “Aircraft” directory and then the INI's within the “Su-25-firstgen” into the Su-25 folder, allowing to overwrite when prompted - be careful: you must only overwrite the files, the INI's to be precise, within the Su-25 folder, not elsewhere!


5) In the case that you do not use the community weapons pack 2.52 (available at CombatAce.com, link below), you may have to add the data from "Weapons\Ordnance_Weapondata.txt" to your weapondata.ini and copy the needed folders in "Weapons" in your weapon directory. No overwriting of existing files is needed.





This is mainly a INI rework to convert the Su-25 for the 2nd generation games included in the NF4+ mod into a plane usable in the first generation.


The weapons provided are solely those needed for the given LOADOUT.INI as I assume that a large majority of users has some kind of weapon pack installed, giving enough weapons to modify the loadouts at will.


I've tested the plane on a Wing over Europe install patched to Oct.-08 level with the

community weapons pack 2.52 installed.





- License information: http://forum.combata...showtopic=26131

- Community Weapons pack: http://forum.combata...p;showfile=7791

- Nato Fighters 4+, aircraft folder 2, fourth part: http://forum.combata...&showfile=10125





1) The conversion of the plane was made by re-saving all INI files with ANSI coding, as this is the sole file coding understood by the first gen game engine.


2) Additionally, it makes use of the so-called “hiding components trick by bpao” (if you look at the Su-25_DATA.INI , you'll see how it works).


3) The loadout.ini is my creation.





I think it is safe and the best to put my little INI work under the

-> CombatAce Freeware License (see link above) <-,

this rework / compilation is licensed as such, in short: freedom to distribute such licensed work

as long as it does NOT become part of payware or not publicly available.


I wasn't allowed to republish the model of the aircraft. USAFMTL said on request that “The person who made requested that it stay in the package only. “ but that I was clear to include the INI's, so I can't even name the contributor but nevertheless ask that he or she will accept my thanks!

- EDIT: after the upload, I learned that the model is more to be seen as in a "beta stage", AmokFloo ported it in game and 76.IAP-Blackbird is still working on it.




- The Sukhoi 25 was/is done by AmokFloo and 76.IAP-Blackbird.




EDIT of File description 2010-02-07: clarified a part of the install explanation after I saw that the advice of overwriting lead at least one time to misunderstandings. Also updated the information about original author. Same changes in updated readmes within the archive.

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