About This File
F-84F ThirdWire SF2 Tweaks and Bits 06-04-10
F-86F Cockpit by Zurawski
Early 1960's French Pilot by Corktip 14, based on Diego's USAF Korean War pilot.
Martin Baker Mk3 Ejection Seat by ravenclaw_007
F-84f Hangar Screen from the Mirage Factory F-84F Package
F-84F Loadout tga by Paulopanz
F-84F Data.INI tweaks and F-84F Loading Screens by NeverEnough
The Thirdwire F-84F model is very nicely done for an AI only model, and can be easily finished into a real fine ride.
The latest version included in the SF2 Expansion Pack did not have the flap deploy and retract settings in the Data.ini, so these have been
added in this tweaked Data.ini. The taillight was located about six feet behind the aircraft, and the navigation lights on each side of the tail
are modeled but have no entries in the stock Data.ini. The tailight location was corrected and the tail navigation lights are added in the included
Data.ini. The front landing light has also been added, and SHIFT 0 will open and close the cockpit canopy.
The early 1960's French pilot is a nice addition, and he looks great sitting in ravenclaw_007's beautiful new Martin Baker Mk3 ejection seat.
The new loading screen is a French F-84F with Suez campaign stripes, which looks especially fitting when used with Paulopanz's Suez SuperPack skins!
An alternate loading screen of a beautifully restored Italian F-84F is also included for a SF2E installation.
Give this kite a test drive, and discover what a treat it is. Be sure to include Paulopanz's Suez skins, and you will be looking good.
Installation notes:
Simply copy the contents of the included Objects folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 Israel, Mods\StrikeFighters2 Exp1, or Mods\StrikeFighters2 Europe folder.
To use the Italian F-84F Loading Screen, change the line in the F-84F.INI as shown below:
AircraftFullName=F-84F Thunderstreak
Loadingscreen=F84F_Loading.bmp <<<<<<<< Change this to F-84F_Loading.bmp