About This File
Model by Cocas
Okay this is not your ordinary plane obviously and doesnt really
belong in a permanent std install.
At this stage it can ONLY be flown when starting in the air, - If someone could fix that please do so and reupload.
Arm your warhead and detonate on/near impact.
obviously it is a kamikaze type weapon.
Tested on WoV only.Should work on all WO* SF1 series.
I have included a weps package with this so you can equip your he-111
with one- you will just have to workout the weapons on board placement position.
I have borrowed dozens of bits and pieces of others aircraft and do hope
I havent broken any rules or offended in doing so.Im trying to share too.
THIS IS A BETA-AI is pretty much useless with this aircraft-it is defenceless
but still fun to shoot down.
If anybody wants to improve on this and reupload - be my guest-Im sure
Cocas wont mind.