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WOI cockpit for MF F-16A with corrected avionics V1.1

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About This File

I did this work hoping to motivate people to present a re-worked F-16C cockpit.


This mod enables WOI users to enjoy their MF F-16As with the stock hi-rez TW cockpit.


The stock TW F-16A in WOI unfortunately lacks TWS capability (Note: Apparently I was wrong, it was indeed without TWS in the very first batches), while MF F-16As lacked ground map capability due to a mixture of avionics60 lines in an avionics70dll file (Note: As I was informed, it was later corrected).


Furthermore, TMF avionics are more representative of Blk1/5/10s, instead TW are a bit stronger, more representative of Blk 15 avionics.


I re-worked the avionics.ini to present something as close to reality as I could, based on the stock WOI cockpit.



V1.1 Changes:


TWS Capability deleted from Blk 10 Avionics


TV Capability restored in Blk 15 Avionics


If you want to use MF TV filter instead of the TW, change this line from












NOTE: Not 100% sure when Maverick capability was certified for F-16s. It seems to me that it was a retrofit in a later date for Blk1/5/10 aircraft.









1) Download, extract and place into respective folders. They will overwrite the previous ones. Remember to keep back ups just in case...





2) Change this line















NOTE: Do not, I repeat DO NOT delete the already installed cockpit, since I use many TGAs from the MF cockpit. It won't work properly without it.





ADDED BONUS: Modified MF F-16A OCU DATA file with F100-220E engine.





I want to thank TW & MF and every person that contributed to the community.


If an individual deserves credit, please notify me.
















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