About This File
New Bofors 40 mm L70 Antiaircraft gun, using the 3D from Kesselbruth's Bofors 40mm L60 Antiaircraft gun. New version with radar and new gundata to make it useful for NF4+ and SF2V/WOV air and ground expansion pack (normal difficult for russian aaa guns).
Also, alternate Bofors L60 Antiaircraft gun and alternate Cold War Antiaircraft guns GUNDATA.INI, simulating Shrapnel. This alternate data is lighter than NF4+ and SF2V/WOV air and ground expansion pack (normal difficult for russian aaa guns), but heavier than the out of the box Thirdwire AAA.
Please, read the Readme.
Good flying to Red mudmovers!
Thank you, Kesselbruth, for your wonderful work, and all Thirwire
Community (the best modding community ever).
Be free to use or mod these files in any freeware mod.