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SF2V AOA Indexer Ver.1.0

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Angle of Attack Indexer mod for Strike Fighters 2:Vietnam


This is a mod about AOA Indexers of all stock Navy aircrafts comming with Strike Fighters 2:Vietnam. It does not include

Phantoms and Corsairs used by USAF. Use at your own risks!


Actually, Angle of Attack Indexers of navy aircraft are totally unusable to make carriers landings, altought the sequence

of lights are correct colors are reversed, and angles requested by indexers are too high and wont allow you to see where

you are going (Except for Crusaders). This mod is designed to allow you to come at the lowest possible speed and with a

correct angle of attack to keep a good view to the deck. Angles are not set to be used with the Carrier ILS system wich

seems to bee steep but rather with the standard Navy Daybreak Approach, see included diagrams.


I recommand you to save all modded cockpit.ini of all Navy Skyhawk,Corsairs,

Crusaders and Phantoms before applying this mod. Simply drop the Object folder into your

Mod Strike Fighters directory and it's done. If you want to use correct indexers lights only ,WITHOUT

corrected angles, simply remove them from aircraft's folders before droping it.


By Aizen/fastergekko

Ver.1.0 2011 March 1

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