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FW-190A-8/R2 "Wurger"

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About This File

Foche-Wulf FW-190A-8/R2 " Wurger " Readme




1. This is a mod of Wolf257's original FW-190A ( FW-190A-5 ) aircraft. The FW-190A-8/R2 was a field

modification intended to give the Luftwaffe more firepower when dealing with the heavily armored

Allied four engined bombers such as the B-17, the B-24, and the Lancaster. Primary change was to the

armament, with 13mm MG131s replacing the 7.92mm fuselage MGs, and the outboard wing cannon changed

to 30mm Mk.108s. Some FW-190A-8s also were modded to carry underwing gunpods with either a single

30mm cannon or twin 20mm MG151s. When these gunpods are released in the future, the FW-190A-8/R2

will be able to carry them, as well as Wgr 21 210mm unguided rockets on their release also.


2. To install, drop the FW190A-8R2 folder in your Objects/Aircraft folder. Then open the " Items You

Need To Add To... " folder and follow the instructions included in the readme there.


3. Special thanks goes to Wolf257 for allowing me to mod his "Baby", & Gramps for graciously allowing

me to use his JG300 skin.




Wolf257 : FW-190A Model & tech assistance

Gramps : JG300 Wilde Sau Skin

The Wrench : FW-190 Hangarscreen

Moonjumper : tech data on cannon armament & ammo capacities

howling1 : Any mistakes in the above are mine alone...



What's New in Version   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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