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About This File

Description: Enhances Over Flanders Fields with the ENBSeries Bloom and High Dynamic Range lightings modifications with settings by Creaghorn.


Installation and Usage:

JSGME will run after install; activate the ‘ENB for OFF’ mod.


Press Shift-F12 in-game to turn the graphics effects on and off.



The enbseries.ini installed in your ‘CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields’ folder can be further tweaked to modify the graphcis effects to taste.



Over Flanders Fields



JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler 2.6.0:




ENBSeries game modifications:



Creaghorn’s Homebrew:



OFF JSGME Installer Version:


What's New in Version 1.0


  • Originally buried in Creaghorn's Homebrew, just pulled it out and added a JSGME wrapper and installer to make it easier to find and use.

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