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LTV A-7 & TA-7P Corsair II Força Aérea Portuguesa pack 2.0

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About This File

LTV A-7P Corsair II Ex-U.S. Navy A-7A rebuilt for Portugal, 44 refurbished with TF30-P-408 engines and an avionics fit similar to the A-7E.


LTV TA-7P Corsair II Two-seat trainer version for Portugal; 6 converted from ex-U.S. Navy A-7A.



- A-7P from DLC 25 with painted insignias and correct numbers limitation + my old mod skin upgraded as an early, just delivery plane;
       3 new skins V. 1.1: Later Esq. 304 magnificos; Squadron Exchange Germany '91; Farewell Esq. 302/304 1999.

- TA-7P from TMF TA-7C remodded with two skins Wraparound and early (hypotetical) camo. It uses numbers provided with DLC 25.
        2 new skins V. 1.1: Later Esq. 304 magnificos; Squadron Exchange Germany '91.

- TA-7C from TMF TA-7C - 1 new bonus skin V. 1.1
        1 plane (s/n 154404; c/n B-044) was temporarily provided by the United States Navy to Portugal in April 1982
        This aircraft, a A-7B-1-CV Corsair II converted to TA-7C tandem twin-seat trainer, was nicknamed "White Dove"
        (Portuguese: Pomba Branca) due to the original Upainting that was kept. It was returned to the USN in June 1985


Corsairs in FAP service here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LTV_A-7P_Corsair_II




- Canopy Key=10 with auto closing

- Wingfold Key=9 with auto closing

- Fuel Probe Key=8 (only for TMF TA-7P/C)




- TK for A-7P (DLC 25)

- TMF (the Mirage Factory) for TA-7C, pilot, seat, tanks (repainted)

- DaddyAirplanes for original skins reworked / restored

- Wrench for A-7E temps used on Farewell skin;

- Paulopanz (me) for all the refit / modification done




- You need DLC 25

- for TA-7C "Pomba Branca" skin and sound  you need my TA-7C pack here:

- put Objects folder in your main mod folder and overwrite






PS: this is for Cocas !

What's New in Version 2.0


- A-7P  3 new skins: Later Esq. 304 Magnificos; Squadron Exchange Germany '91; Farewell Esq. 302/304 1999.

- TA-7P  2 new skins: Later Esq. 304 Magnificos; Squadron Exchange Germany '91.

- TA-7C 1 new skin:  (s/n 154404; c/n B-044) Pomba Branca.

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