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SF2E/NF5 Italian Campaign AddOn

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About This File

This is a tribute to Aeronautica Militare Italiana (A.M.) and Italy, as member of NATO since its foundation.

I simply added Italian Air Force F-104S and Tornado to two “Nato Fighters 5” mod campaigns (“Red Lightning” set in 1979 and “Red Storm Raising, Phase 2” set in 1986).






F-104S CI and CB Campaign (Red Lightning):

Simply drop the “campaigne2_DATA.INI” and “campaigne2.ini” in the “/Campaigns/campaigne2” folder, in the SF2E/NF5 modded folder (usually located in C:\Users\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe NF5 - or whatever you called it) and overwrite as prompted (Backup the original files, first).


Tornado Campaign (Red Storm Raising, Phase 2):

Simply drop the “campaigne5rsr_DATA.INI” and “campaigne5rsr.ini” in the “/Campaigns/campaigne5rsr” folder, in the SF2E/NF5 modded folder (usually located in C:\Users\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe NF5 - or whatever you called it) and overwrite as prompted (Backup the original files, first).


You MUST have the Spillone104’s “F-104S pack for SF2” and the X RAY’s “SF-2E/NF-4+ Tornado A.M.I.”:


F-104: http://combatace.com/files/file/12632-f-104s-pack-for-sf2/

and the F-104 Quick Fix: http://combatace.com/files/file/12635-f-104s-quick-fix/


Tornado: http://combatace.com/files/file/10374-sf-2enf-4-tornado-ami/


Tested in a SF2 full merged install (SF2, SF2V, SF2E, SF2I, SF2NA, Exp. Pack 1, Exp. Pack 2) with “Nato Fighters 5” mod, by eburger68: http://combatace.com/topic/74754-nato-fighters-5-part-1-of-8/






Thanks to:

- Spillone104 for the beautiful F-104 Pack;

- X RAY for the Tornado Pack;

- MigBuster for his useful tutorial: http://combatace.com/topic/44798-adding-aircraft-to-campaigns-in-sf2/

- eburger68 and all the people who spent blood, sweat and tears working on the amazing “Nato Fighters 5” mod;


I hope you enjoy



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