About This File
Combat Lancer (March 15, 1968 to November 22,1968) The Combat Bullseye I tests of early 1967, clinched the USAF decision to rush a small detachment of seven F-111A's to Southeast Asia, under the name Combat Lancer, to boost night and all-weather attacks while testing the aircraft's over-all combat capability. Combat Lancer was preceded by Harvest Reaper, started in June 1967, to correct known F-111A shortcomings and prepare the aircraft for combat. The Harvest Reaper modifications (mainly more avionics and electronic countermeasures (ECM) equipment) would enter the F-111A production lines, if successfully proven in combat.
F-111A 66-0016 flew the first Combat Lancer mission on March 18,1968, attacking a truck park and storage area with 12 Mk11 7 750 pound bombs.
A simple strike mission made following John Tiller's WOV Combat Lancer Scenario http://johntillersoftware.com/ModernAirPower/WarOverVietnam.html.
- SF2V + Eburger68 Epansion;
- Fly a night test mission with new F-111A over North Vietnam;
- all mod folder content in your mod install
- overwrite
That's all
@ paulopanz
PS: Sometimes I don't paint planes but fly .....