About This File
USAF 12 days 92th FIS F-86A-5 campaign
For Strike Fighters 2 Europe
This campaign with 24 missions cover the periode Aug 5, 1953 to Aug 16, 1953.
Fictional, but based after a real event by the end of the Korean War.
Units(air and armour)bases and deployment after real figures by August 1953.
Need Expansion Pack 1 for MiG-15bis, Meteor F8 and Vampire FB.5 and
Expansion Pack 2 for MiG-15.
Campaign utilised the following extra aircrafts(to download),all availables by Combat Ace:
F-86A-5(Korea for base model and Europe for textures)(By Wrench)
F-86F-40(European version textures, 22FDS, 23FDS, 53FDS, 417FBS)(By Wrench)
F-84E(Korea version)(By RussoUK/Wrench)
F-84G(base model)(By RussoUK/Wrench)
Sabre4(RAF)(By Wrench)
DH Venom 1.3(By paulopanz)
Dassault Ouragan MD-450(with Armée de l'air textures)(By paulopanz)
MiG-15UTI by Pasko
MiG-15UTI Midget Collectior Edition 1.0(For Czechoslovaquia and Poland textures)(by paulopanz)
Many thanks them to all.
As usually all info and others in the readme.
Happy flight and enjoy.
Update 24-02-16.
Added 730 IAP and 899 IAP(both regiments with MiG-15/15bis deployed in Germany between Aug 1949 and 1954).
Revised armor/fire suppression protection systems of MiG-15, MiG-15bis and IL-28.