About This File
FM and Sound Tweak to A-37B
this is and update to the FM and sounds by Eole, as well as a F80 sound which was referenced by a former Tweet driver as accurate. 3 sounds to chose from, just open the data.ini, uncomment ( delete //) the sound you want but be sure the two you dont want are commented.
**************** This is only for the first 300 users of the original mod. Every one downloading after 5 July 2016 will have this already with the original aircraft**************
unzip, copy to mods folder, allow overwrite
Big thanks to
Eole and Baffmeister for the FM tweaking. that is a black art i
do not currently understand!
Eole for J85 sounds
bubu for suggested change to sounds (F80)
as per F-80 mod, unknown credit to the F80Engine sound
kevin unruh
aka daddyairplanes
4 Jul 2016