About This File
USAF KC-135 Skinpack 2: 1974 through 1987
This skin pack will feature skins for all USAF KC-135 users from 1974 until 1987. This includes the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserves as the aircraft became available.
Requirements: any version of Strike Fighters 2, and the KC-135 mod found here
first, get the Mirage Factory C-135A/B and KC-135A/E/R 1.0 from the above link (if you dont have it already)
then unzip this to the mod folder, allowing overwrites.
Known Issues:
this is meant as eye candy. unfortunately, SF2 doesnt support air to air refueling so the best to be done is set up a recon mission and then park it in an orbit.
Also, Dels C-130 pit does not line up with the model very well. it is included mainly so that it can be player selected (i had to test it somehow).
In the skins with ADC tgas, loading more than 8 aircraft on a mission will produce irregularities (like only the front half of the camo showing). So far I have not seen more than 8 on a ramp, and it is doubtful you need to load more than that in one area for a mission. Just be warned if you throw all 16 in at once.
BTW, this thing is huge!!! over 3 1/2 GB size
So, Whats Included?:
Skins with at least two examples from every USAF unit to fly the KC-135 from 1974 - 1987, with separate skins for Active Duty and reserve forces
Colors represented include silver lacquer, ADC gray, and Shamu dark grey over medium grey.
Skins from 1987 have a mix of Shamu and ADC grey colors as tga. Same skin, two different paint jobs
Skins from 1983-1985 have a mix of ADC grey and silver lacquer colors. Skins from the 1970s are all silver lacquer and minimal tail markings
Engines on the A models were adjusted to produce heavy smoke at max thrust. Burning water, just like the real thing.
Drogue to simulate refueling probe equipped aircraft. Added in loadout screen
Bpao- original aircraft and skin
Dave- original aircraft lead
Dels- cockpit used to make flyable
daddyairplanes- research, ini edits, tga work, skin refinement
yakarov79- drogue baset model, skin templates, general technical assistance
allenjb42- tech assistance with the basket work
test crew- yakarov79, allenjb42, Wrench
Huge Thanks to the following for research assistance:
Wurtsmith Air Museum https://www.facebook.com/WurtsmithAirMuseum/
Malmstrom Museum and Air Park https://www.facebook.com/MalmstromMuseum/
Grissom Air Museum https://www.facebook.com/GrissomAirMuseum/
Plattsburgh AFB - Plattsburgh NY Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/53984811032/