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Cockpits for Laton's Fokker E-Types 1.0.0

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About This File

I modified the cockpit from my Fokker D.II to make new cockpits for all eight of Laton's Fokker Eindeckers. Each cockpit has a fully functional stick, rudder control, throttle, and gauges, including the wing mounted compass. The cockpits are basically the same, but each has been tweaked to make it fit into Laton's fuselage and to reflect differences in the type (like the number of guns in the E.IV planes.)

I have sorted everything into the appropriate folders for easy installation.

My thanks to Laton for having made so many planes that we are still flying today.

Installation Instructions
For both FE1 and FE2- For each plane, delete Laton's original cockpit folder and cockpit.ini file and replace them with mine. 

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PERFECT MOD! correctly foldered, quickly installed, works great.

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Good to see you are still out there Many thanks Stephen

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