About This File
Westland Wessex HU 5 / HC 2
This is an update to my previous upload of Westland Wessex HU 5 skins, I have tweaked the files that I previously uploaded, and have included skins for RAF , Royal Navy, and Oman, the original skins are ok should you wish to still use them, however, I would recommend you delete them and use these ones instead, the changes are minor, however there ARE some corrections.
As stated in my previous upload, these skins require you to aquire the A-Team original, as you need the lods from there, if you need assistance on installing these skins please contact me via PM.
Included skins are as follows 845 NAS based on HMS Bulwark in 1966, 847 NAS involved in the Falklands campaign, and 771 NAS Culdrose Air Sea Rescue. The RAF Skins consist of 78 SQN in early grey/green markings, also a grey/green later marked version from 18 SQN, a 72 SQN skin in winter grey/white, and a late version green/green from 60 SQN, the final RAF skin is for 22 SQN Air Sea Rescue. Finally I have included an Omani Army scheme.
I have included all hangar and loading screens, for all 3 versions, also the pilots and the sound file that I use . The RAF and Omani aircraft are not operable from carriers, and all armament capability has been removed from them, as they never were armed to the best of my knowledge, the navy ones of course are, and are carrier operational.
I believe everything is included, but of course errors and omissions do occur, so any issues or questions please feel free to message me and ask.
One final comment, the serials and codes, are not 100% accurate for the aircraft portrayed, but they are in the right sort of range, so really not a huge issue, as they look right, even if maybe they are out of sequence or wrong for THAT particular airframe.
I hope you enjoy these aircraft, as I said in my previous upload, the model is far from perfect, its acceptable, but nowhere near spot on, but, until one of our model making gurus makes a new one, we are stuck with this old lady.
Finally, as always, ENJOY !!!